Prom, punch, and coconut cream pie

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My friends, the brothers, and I stood in the principal's office covered in punch and coconut cream pie with our dresses and hair a mess. We weren't the only ones in trouble. Liam, Casper, and other kids joined us.

Principal Gray rubbed his temples. "Who's bright idea was it to pull a senior prank at prom?"

We pointed at Liam, who rolled his eyes.

Casper leaned into Liam. "I told you not to do it."

Liam gave Casper an incredulous look.

Okay, I need to backtrack to what happened because it will make much more sense.

Earlier in the day

Tori helped me get ready for prom and styled my hair. Val and his brothers lounged around before Elias yelled at them to get prepared. Once everyone was ready, Tori took pictures of us. Imagine one girl standing with five guys in suits. You would have thought I was in the witness protection program.

After Tori finished snapping pictures, we left for prom. I hope this dance turns out better than homecoming.


Liam stood on a ladder and finished rigging up hundreds of coconut cream pies.

I shook my head. "This is the dumbest idea you have had so far."

"Hey, we didn't get to have our senior prank. Uncle Frazier is legendary with senior pranks."

"It's prom, and you want to ruin it with creaming the senior class. Does that make sense to you?"

Liam climbed down and stepped off the bottom rung. "You can't graduate without one senior prank."

"Says who?"

"Says anyone who enjoys a good senior prank."

"This will backfire on you."

"Psh, no, it won't."

"Yeah, it will."

"Pipe down and help me hide this ladder before people arrive."

I shook my head and helped Liam with the ladder. Uncle Owen dropped Liam on his head and didn't tell Aunt Wendy. Yeah, this prank will blow up in our faces or splatter. Take your pick.


We arrived at the school as people stopped and stared at us.

"What are they looking at?" I asked Val.

"You managed to get the Harper brothers to prom."

I looked at Val and smiled. Val returned the smile and escorted me to a table as his brothers followed. We sat down, and I glanced at the hall.

A few minutes later, my friends arrived. They strolled over to our table.

"Do you have room for four more people?" Rowan asked.

Pat stood. "We can make room."

Rowan smiled as Pat pulled out a chair for her.

"What about you?" Sage asked Romeo.

"You won't bust my chops, will you?"

"It depends if you act like a douche."

Romeo narrowed his eyes as Sage sat down.

"You clean up nice, Harper," Reese told Rafe.

"Yeah, so do you."

Reese smirked at Rafe as he rolled his eyes.

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