Halloween fun with the Harpers

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Halloween arrived, and so did the pumpkins and decorating. Elias and Tori were throwing a costume party. I sat at the table and carved a pumpkin, along with the brothers and Val.

Pat looked at Romeo's pumpkin. "What the hell is wrong with your pumpkin?"

"Nothing's wrong with it."

"It doesn't have any teeth."

"Yeah, so?"

"Most pumpkins have teeth."

"Its teeth fell out."

We laughed.

"Well, my pumpkin rocks." Rafe turned his pumpkin around to show us.

"Your pumpkin looks like someone took a chainsaw to it," Pat said.

"Well, it is Halloween." Rafe shrugged.

Elias checked on us and our pumpkins. "Christ. Couldn't you make your pumpkin look normal?" He asked Rafe.


Elias rolled his eyes.

"This is so gross," Marty said, tossing pumpkin guts onto paper.

"Marty, you're the only person I know who hates getting messy," Val said.

"Yeah, don't have sex, or you'll constantly be showering," Romeo said.

"Do you mind? No parent wants to hear what their kids do with a girl. I don't need some father showing up here ready to rip off your nuts," Elias said.

"Sex is a beautiful thing. It's even better if you don't need the lights off."

Elias stopped carving and gave Romeo a look. We finished carving pumpkins and placed them outside. The guys helped Elias with decorating the house while Tori took me costume shopping. I found a genie costume. She paid for the costumes, and we headed home.

Elias and the boys finished decorating. Then we all changed into our costumes. I came out of my bedroom dressed in my genie costume. Val stared at me.

"What? Is something wrong with my costume?"

"If I rub you, do I get three wishes?"

I couldn't help but laugh. Val chuckled.

We came downstairs to find a house full of people. I maneuvered around people and entered the kitchen. I looked at the food on the table. Val caught up with me.

"Your parents go all out for Halloween, don't they?"

"Yeah, they do."

I grabbed a plate, placed different Halloween food on my plate, and found a place to sit. While eating, Val pointed out who was at the party. Dang, he has a big family.

"How do you keep everyone straight?"

"It's easy when you grow up with people."

"Doesn't it overwhelm you?"

"Not really. Most of my cousins are busy with jobs and school. Plus, when you work construction, you work when you can. But that's changing in the fall."

"What do you mean?"

"I applied to Saintwood College."

I looked at Val while eating.

"They accepted me."

I stopped mid-bite. "Really?"

"Yeah, I thought about what you said. It made me contemplate my future."

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