Apple orchard fun

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After my date with Val, I went to bed and drifted off into a peaceful slumber. The following day proved a different situation. I rolled over, opened my eyes, then screamed and fell out of bed. I looked up to see Val leaning over the side of the bed, looking at me.

My bedroom door opened. We looked at Romeo staring at us. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a bed comfier than the floor?"

Val gave Romeo a look. Romeo closed the door. Val reached over the side of the bed. I took his hand, and
he helped me onto the bed. I sat down and pulled the blankets over my lap.

"What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you to wake up? Did you know you drool?"

"Do you know that's creepy?"

Val chuckled. "I guess you don't want breakfast."

I scrambled out of bed, but I got tangled in the blankets and fell onto the floor. Val helped untangle me from the blankets, then pulled me to my feet. I hurried out of my bedroom and ran downstairs. I reached the kitchen, slid across the floor, and crashed into Pat, knocking him down. His plate flew out of his hand as his food landed on his head.

Someone lifted me off of Pat as Pat sat up and removed scrambled eggs off his head.

"Sorry, I got a little excited."

Pat shook his head and got up.

Val lifted me off my feet, carried me to my chair, and set me down. "Good thing that you're light."

I gave Val a look, then filled my plate with food. Tori and Elias sat down at the table as Pat joined us after grabbing another plate.

"So, what does everyone have planned today?" Tori asked.

"My friends invited me to the Apple orchard," I mentioned.

"That sounds fun."

"I can't wait. I've never been to one."

"Oh, you'll like it. We would go and climb the trees."

"Val said he would go with me and bring his brothers."

"What?" The brothers asked.

Elias ate, not saying anything.

"I think that's a great idea. It'll get you out of the house," Tori told the guys.

"How do we get roped into hanging out with a bunch of trees?" Rafe asked.

"What's wrong with the Apple orchard? You boys loved going when you were younger."

"Yeah, but we grew out of hanging out at the apple orchard," Romeo said.

"Plus, it's boring," Marty said.

"I think it'll be fun," I said.

The brothers looked at me. I smiled at them. They groaned as Elias chuckled.


I pulled into a spot with Kadia, Rafe, and Marty. Romeo pulled up next to me with Pat, Casper, and Jordin. We got out of the car and walked towards the building.

"I can't believe we had to come to the Apple orchard," Rafe said.

"What's wrong with the Apple orchard? You climb trees and beam people with apples," Casper said.

"Then your dad beats your ass and makes you sit through confession," Jordin told Casper.

Casper shrugged.

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