Well, the dog is at it again

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I opened my locker door as someone closed it. Great.

Sasha inched close to me. "It's nice to know you think you'll waltz in and take what's mine." She leaned into my face. "No one takes what's mine."

"Yo, bow-wow! Step away before we unleash Val on you!" Rafe said.

Sasha backed away from me.

"Good doggy." Casper strolled over to me. "You need a leash before we tie you to our bumper and drag your stupid ass through the neighborhood."

"Run along." Marty waved off Sasha.

She released a deep-throated curdle and stormed off.

I shook my head. "What is her problem?"

"She's ugly, not all that, and thinks Val adores her. She doesn't know our brother," Rafe said.

We turned and walked down the hallway.

"Your brother doesn't strike me as the type that fawns over girls," I said.

"Val doesn't like games. He's upfront with a girl. The girl gets these grandiose fantasies about Val. Oh, Val will sweep me off my feet and ride away on his white horse." Rafe imitated a girl's voice.

"Val doesn't own a horse, let alone ride off into the sunset on one," Marty said.

I giggled.

"Shit, Val can't stand half of the family," Rafe said.

"It's true," Casper said.

"What about the guys at the ice cream stand?" I asked them.

Rafe rubbed his chin. "Nope, Val isn't a fan. The cousins run their mouths, and Val wants to beat their asses. Roman and Ryden are lucky Val didn't hear their comment about Camille."

"Who's Camille?"

"Camille is an ugly troll who did Pat dirty. It's a long, convoluted story involving a family member."

"Yeah, I wouldn't mention Camille's name to Val. He's overprotective of Pat. I thought Romeo would lose his shit when he found out," Casper said.

"I'm so confused."

The guys stopped me.

"It's simple. Guy dates girl. Girl hooks up with a cousin. Guy has a car accident," Casper said.

I glanced at Rafe and Marty. "Oh."

Rafe shrugged as Marty nodded. I didn't press the matter. I had enough on my plate, trying to find my mom and survive living with the Harpers.

I made it through the school day without another run-in with Sasha. Rafe brought us home after dropping off Casper.

I went up to my room and past Pat's bedroom. I stopped and popped my head into his room. He was typing on a laptop, then noticed me at the doorway. He pressed a button on his hearing aids as I waved at him.

"How was school?" He asked me.

I stepped into his room. "I had a run-in with Sasha."

"Sasha is a troll. She doesn't know when to quit."

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Val doesn't have an interest in her."

"It wouldn't matter if he did or not."


"I learned a long time ago that people are good at faking with people."

"Val isn't someone who fakes his feelings."

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