Someone is turning twenty-one

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Tomorrow was Valentine's Day and Val's birthday. I wanted to buy Val a treat. But what do you buy someone who's not a fan of sweets? I tried to find out from the brothers, but they couldn't tell me because Val refused to tell anyone. My boyfriend is a dink.

I sat at the kitchen island with my chin resting in my palm and tapping my fingertips on the countertop.

Elias strolled into the kitchen, grabbed a pop, and noticed me sitting there. He grabbed a pop, popped the top, and stood in front of me. "You seem perplexed." Elias leaned on the countertop with his palm and sipped his pop.

"Tomorrow is Val's birthday, and I wanted to get him a treat. I know he doesn't like sweets, so it makes difficult."

"Or you can ask the person who helps create him."

I glanced at Elias.

"Val likes sweets but not what people think." Elias leaned into me. "Would you like my help?"


"Get your coat."

I slid off the stool, grabbed my coat, and left with Elias. We got into the car, and he drove to the bakery. When we entered, Paxton glanced at us. We walked over to the counter.

"Hey, Elias."

"Hey, Pax. Do you have my order ready?"

"Yeah, let me grab it." Pax went into the back.

"What did you order?" I asked Elias.

"You'll see."

Paxton returned with a box and set it on the counter. Elias lifted in the lid, and I glanced at the contents.

"Fruit tarts?" I asked.

"Tori and I found out that Val loves fruit tarts because they're not as sweet as cake and have a tang to them, especially strawberry. It's his favorite." Elias gave me a knowing look.

"Great. You're giving Val something that he enjoys." I sighed.

Elias turned to me. "Leokadia, you can give Val the strawberry tart before his birthday party. It'll be a nice surprise for him." Elias winked.

I couldn't help but smile.

Elias paid for the tarts, and we left the bakery. When we returned home, we hurried inside, and Elias hid the pastries. He handed me a strawberry tart and a candle. "When midnight hits, give this tart to Val."

I nodded and turned until we heard thumping against the steps and Val's voice. Elias and I scrambled and ran into the living room.



"Upstairs!" Elias yelled in a whisper.

We ran upstairs as Val came into the living room. We reached the second floor as the brothers stuck their heads out of their bedrooms and noticed the tart in my hands.


The brothers glanced at each other as we heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Elias shoved me into Romeo's bedroom and shut the door.

Romeo and I looked at each other and shrugged.


"Close your doors now," I told the boys.

The boys closed their doors as Val reached the second floor.

"Have you seen Kadia?"

"Leokadia was here a few minutes ago."

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