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Leokadia went upstairs as I sat in the living room. My folks stood in front of me, figuring out what they wanted to say.

"Do you like Leokadia?" Dad asked me.


"No, I mean, do you like her?"

"She's a sweet girl. We talk." I shrugged.

"Cough. Cough. Bullshit," Romeo said.

"Does the peanut gallery mind?" Dad asked my brothers.

"No, go right ahead!" Rafe said from the kitchen.

Dad rolled his eyes. "Look, your mom and I are in charge of Leokadia. We can't have you interfering."

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, God! You suck at this!" Marty said.

Dad turned and spread his arms. "Do you mind?"

"No, you're doing a bang-up job," Pat said.

Ma looked around, trying not to laugh. My brothers entered the living room.

Dad crossed his arms. "Okay, smartasses. You seem to know everything."

"Dad, it's obvious that Val likes Leokadia. Who else would he allow them to call him Valentine?" Romeo asked.

"Do you know how wrong this is?"

"What's wrong with liking someone?" Marty asked.

"In the same house, it's wrong. We're fostering Leokadia."

"Yeah, but you can't stop feeling. It's like a plane crash. You see it coming and still expect it not to happen," Rafe said.

"Remind me never to fly with you," Romeo told Rafe.

"No shit. We'll board the plane, and Rafe will find a way to make it crash," Pat said.

"Will you shut up? You sound like your mother when she flies."

"Hey!" Ma said.

Dad gave Ma a look. "Do you deny this fact?"

"Well, no."

"Then I rest my point."

I stood up. "Look, I like Leokadia. She doesn't seem like she has many friends. That's all."

"That's all?"


"Then case closed."

I shook my head and went upstairs. My parents worry too much.


"That went well," Tori said.

I gave Tori a look. "You know our boy is lying, don't you?"

"Yeah, but I chose to ignore it."

I rolled my eyes.

"Why would Val lie? He never lies," Romeo said.

"Because your brother thinks we're stupid."


"So, now what?" Pat asked.

"Well, we can't stop it. Whatever happens, will happen," Tori said.

I shook my head and went into the kitchen. I had enough to worry about besides my heathen son lying. While Val lied to us, he was lying to himself. If I know my boy, and I do. It was a matter of time before he fell for this girl.

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