Oh, Romeo, you're a tool

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After getting the smackdown from Ma, I visited Sloane Percy. Well, it was that or Ma sat on my head.

I knocked on the front door. And Camille answered. Great.

Camille crossed her arms. "What do you want, you slime?"

"Listen, beast dog, is your sister here?"

Camille puckered her lips and glared at me.

"I came to see Sloane."

Camille rolled her eyes and closed the door on me. I blew air past my lips as the door opened to reveal Sloane. Yeah, she didn't look too happy.

"Hey, Sloane."

Sloane crossed her arms and glowered at me.

"I came to apologize for how I treated you."

She tapped her fingers on her arms.

"I was wrong, and I'm sorry."

"Oh, you're sorry?"


Sloane lowered her arms and smiled. I smiled. Then she hauled off and punched me. Twice in the face. I stumbled back and grabbed my nose.

"You're an asshole, Romeo Harper!"

I lifted my head while cupping my nose. "I said I was sorry!"

"You made me sound like some freakish stalker! Which I'm not! Go to hell, you tool!" Sloane stepped inside and slammed the door.

Well, that went better than expected. I turned and walked towards Val, holding my nose. "Don't even say it."

"You shouldn't lie." Val shrugged.

"I told you not to say it."

We got into the car and headed home. My parents sent Val with me to make sure I apologized. They have no faith in me. But then again, I couldn't blame them.


If you open a dictionary and search for the word idiot, you'll find Romeo's picture. I'm not a fan of the Percy sisters, but Romeo deserved that punch.

We got home, and Ma helped Romeo with his nose. Dad laughed. Yeah, our dad enjoyed it when we got our asses handed to us.

I checked on Leokadia to find her on her phone. "Having fun?"

"I'm not sure how smart a phone is when it doesn't do what I need it to do."

I sat down on her bed and took her phone from her. Then I showed her different apps.

"How did it go with Romeo?"

"Sloane punched him."

Leokadia's brows raised.

"That's why I dislike lying or games. It ruins reputations." I handed her phone back to her.

"I have so much to learn about your family."

I chuckled. "Yeah, well, good luck. My family is something else."

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