Valentine's Day

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I woke up early, so I could take care of a few things. First was my ma. I opened her bedroom door and tiptoed into the room with a vase of red roses and a card. I snuck out before my folks woke up.

Next, I carried flowers upstairs to Kadia's room, along with a few other things. While Kadia slept, I decorated her bedroom and arranged the bouquet in a vase.

I'm a firm believer that you celebrate the women in your life. As everyone slept, I prepared breakfast. I made waffles, bacon, sausage, hash browns, toast, and eggs. After getting breakfast situated, I set the table and placed cards next to each plate. Then I waited.

Footsteps came down the stairs as my family stopped and saw the kitchen table.

Ma walked over to me and hugged me. "I loved the flowers. Thank you."

I hugged her. "You're my ma."

My dad and brothers sat down and opened their cards.

"Thanks, Val," my brothers said.

I nodded.

"You have the day off from work," Dad told me.

My lips curled upward. Then we heard a scream, followed by a thud. We darted up the stairs and headed to Kadia's room to find her on the floor. She stared at me as I chuckled. I helped her off the floor.

"Did you do this?" Kadia pointed at her surprises.

"My name is Valentine," I smirked.

Kadia grinned. I pulled her into a kiss as she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me back. Christmas is okay, but Valentine's is my day. Call me Cupid.

We sat at the kitchen table, ate breakfast, and talked.

"What are your plans for today?" Ma asked me.

"Well, besides Pat, no one will be home. I figure I would lounge around and do nothing."

"That's lame," Romeo said.

"What's lame about it?"

"Today is the day of romance and love."

"Yeah, so?"

"You spend it with someone you love."

"Kadia has school, and I'm not you."

"No one is Romeo except for Romeo," Pat said.

"My point has been made."

"Who cares if it's Valentine's Day? Besides Val's birthday, it's another commercial hallmark day," Rafe said.

"Well, aren't you a downer," Romeo told Rafe.

"It's not about being a downer, but reality. You spend money on a girl only for her to turn around and criticize the gift. Why bother?" Rafe got up from his seat and took his plate to the sink, then headed upstairs.

"Thanks for ruining my birthday," I told Romeo.

Romeo said nothing. I want one birthday where my brothers don't ruin it.


"No more discussing Valentine's Day. It's Val's birthday," I told the boys.

Christ on a bike. I didn't need the boys showing their asses on Val's birthday. Is it too much to ask of them?

I got up from the table to check on Rafe and found him getting ready for school. "Are you okay?"

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