Happy birthday, fool

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If I learned anything from living with the Harper brothers, they enjoy getting even with each other. It started with an unfortunate situation and ended with a cake. Let's start from the beginning. 

I came out of my bedroom when Val and Pat dragged me into Val's bedroom and closed the door. I glanced around at Val's room and noticed the model cars, along with books.

"What?" Val asked me.

"I expected your bedroom's walls to have pictures of half-naked women."

Val rolled his eyes. "No, that would be Romeo."

"Okay, why are we hiding in your bedroom."

"Because we have a surprise for our little brother," Pat said.

"What surprise?" I asked.

"If I know Marty, Romeo should be creeping up the stairs," Val said.

"I'm so lost." I sighed.

"Wait," Pat said.

We waited until Pat's phone buzzed.

Pat checked his phone. "Rafe said Romeo is on his way upstairs and having a hard time with walking."

I tilted my head and squinted my eyes. Val cracked his bedroom door, and we poked our heads into the hallway. Romeo climbed the stairs slowly, shuffled to his bedroom, and closed the door. We came out of the bedroom as Rafe and Marty jogged up the stairs.

"Ahhhh!" Romeo said.

We ran to Romeo's bedroom door, and Val opened the door. Romeo released a breath with his pants around his ankles.

Val stepped into the room. "Issues?"

"Nope, I just need to breathe." Romeo moved his hand to the side.

"Are you sure?"


Val put his hands on his waist. "You seem to be moving slower."

"Yeah, it happens." Romeo nodded.

"Okay."  Val turned, left the room, closed the door.

"For the love of God!" Romeo said.

Val and his brothers snickered.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

Val ushered me away from the door as all of us went downstairs until we were standing in the living room.

"Today is Romeo's birthday," Val said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's an April fool," Pat said.

"So as an April Fool's Day prank, we helped him out," Rafe said.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"We paid a girl to get him hot and bothered before he could shoot his load," Marty said.

"Huh?" I asked.

Val turned me to face him. "My brothers gave Romeo blue balls."

"What are blue balls?" I asked.


"I don't know what blue balls are?"

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