Christmas chaos with the Harpers

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School let out for Christmas break. Yay for sleeping in! Well, I tried. The brothers wouldn't let me sleep in when they threw snow at me. I chased them as they laughed. Ugh.

Val had to work while I was off on Christmas break. It sucks to be him. He didn't find it funny and threatened to get even with me. Bring it on.

Tori got ready for Christmas with Elias helping her. While the Harpers prepared for holiday festivities, I spent time with my mom and grandparents. It's baby steps.

I told my mom everything that happened to me. She regretted leaving me in that store, but it didn't matter. I met the Harpers and Val. How can I stay angry when I find a second family?

I also introduced Val to my mom. This visit went better than the first one. All in all, life was turning out great for me. Well, that was until we made cookies.

We sat around the table and frosted cookies as Tori and Elias baked.

"Hey, look, I made a snow woman." Romeo held up a snowman with two M&Ms on its chest."

"Romeo, you're an idiot. How do the girls fall at your feet?" Rafe asked.

"The ladies love me."

"Until they get to know you," Pat said.

We laughed.

"Oh, haha." Romeo rolled his eyes.

"I'm finished." Rafe held up a reindeer, dripping with red icing.

"What the hell is that?"

"I killed Rudolph. Now he won't have to worry about the reindeer's including him in their games."

"That's disturbing," Marty said.

"It's effective." Rafe shrugged.

Pat held up a Gingerbread man and ripped its head off. "That's Romeo when he screws over the wrong girl."

"Dude, that's wrong on so many levels," Romeo told Pat.

"I got one better." Rafe took circles and made faces on all of them with icing. "These are Romeo's several illegitimate kids. I figure he'll make Ma and Dad grandparents."

Elias brought over a cookie sheet of gingerbread. "There will be no grandkids yet."

"Well, none that you know of," Marty said.

Elias pointed the spatula at Marty. "Don't make me put my foot up your ass."

Tori brought over a cookie sheet. "There will be no foot up anyone's asses. It's the season to be jolly. So get jolly."

Romeo flicked icing at Rafe. Rafe smacked Romeo with a cookie. They got into it, dragging Pat and Marty into the mix. Val worked on a gingerbread house while Elias broke up the brawl in the kitchen.

"Jesus Christ!" Tori said.

"Our Lord and savior," the brothers said.

Tori gave them an annoyed look as Elias rolled his eyes. Well, Val said cookies would create chaos.


I stopped in a Biggby to grab a coffee and ran into Bianka. She held paper shopping bags in her left hand while she held a coffee in her right hand.

"Oh, hello, Detective Gray."

"Hey. I was grabbing a coffee before heading to the office." I pointed at the bags. "Shopping?"

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