Mother nature sucks a big one

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I shot up in bed with excruciating pain in my pelvic area, crawled out of bed, and lumbered to the bathroom. Oh, fantastic. Mother Nature hit me. Ugh.

I grabbed a pad, put it on, took care of my situation. I opened the door and jumped as Val stood in the hallway. I hauled off and punched him in the gut, and marched to my room.


Kadia knocked the wind out of me when she slugged me in the stomach. What the hell?

Pat opened his door and rubbed his eyes. "What's going on?"

"Beats me. I went to use the bathroom, but someone was occupying it. The door opened, and Kadia slugged me in the gut."


I shrugged.

Romeo's bedroom door opened. "Do you mind? Some of us need our beauty sleep."

"Why? You're still ugly," Pat said.

Romeo glared at Pat.

Dad's bedroom door opened. "Is there a reason you three need to have a conversation at four in the morning?"

"Leokadia punched Val," Pat said.

"Why?" Romeo asked.

"Beats me. I was waiting for the bathroom." I shrugged.

"Christ. Val, take a piss, then grab your coat and shoes. We need to go to the store."


"Because Leokadia started."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

Dad shuffled towards me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Son, do you enjoy having a girlfriend?"


"Would you like to keep said girlfriend?"

"Yeah. Where are you going with this?"

"Trust me. It's a necessity that we go to the store."


Dad returned to his bedroom, and I turned to see the bathroom door closed. Someone was taking a leak. What the frick?

The door opened as Rafe squinted his eyes, and his hair was sticking up. I pushed him out of the way and closed the door. All I wanted to do was take a leak.

I pushed a shopping cart as Dad tossed an obscene amount of chocolate into it, along with ibuprofen and pads.

"What's with the chocolate?"

Dad turned and faced me in front of the cart. "Chocolate helps with mood swings. If you don't want to die a sudden death, throw the candy bars at the woman and walk away."

Is that what you do with Mom?"

"Do I look like a newb? No."

"I don't see the point."

"Valentine, women won't tell you what bothers them and expect you to read their minds. It's the same way with their periods."

"Aren't you being overdramatic?"

"When you have been with someone as long as I have been with your mother, you can talk to me about dramatics. Wait until you ask where she wants to eat?"

"Kadia isn't picky."

"Not yet. Give it time." Dad smiled.

It's too early to discuss women's needs and wants. I wanted to go home and back to bed. We checked out and headed home. Once we got home, I ran to my bedroom, kicked off my shoes, and fell into bed.

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