Hell hath no fury like angry Harpers

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The doctor moved Rafe to a room, and Tori and I sat next to his bed as a ventilator helped him breathe. I rubbed my face with my hands, watching my boy lay in a hospital bed with a damn tube down his throat.

I heard footsteps and turned my head to see the boys and Leokadia in the doorway. I turned my attention back to Rafe. Tori held Rafe's hand and talked to him as the kids entered the room and stood around the bed.

"You're my little fighter, Raphael. You came into this world fighting, so you fight now," Tori said. Tears dripped down her cheeks.

My jaw clenched.

"I had your brothers bring Val's birthday cake so that you could celebrate with us. It wouldn't be a celebration without out. Isn't that right, boys?"

"Yes, Ma," the boys said.

"Val, cut your cake and dish it out to everyone."

Val didn't argue with Tori but did what she asked.

"Can we cut Rafe a slice of cake?" Leokadia asked.

We looked at her.

"It's for when he wakes up. He should have a slice of cake waiting for him." Leokadia fidgeted with her hands. "Everyone deserves cake, and Rafe will wake up. So, he should have a cake waiting for him."

"He will," Romeo told Leokadia.

Leokadia gave Romeo a small smile. I lowered my head as everyone had cake. I wasn't in the mood to eat. I would instead find the asshole and demolish him.


Rowan drove until she pulled into a parking lot. We got out of the car. Rowan looked across her car's roof at me. "What now?"

"That stupid bitch is going down for her involvement. I know how to hide a body." I closed the door and walked away.

"Reese watches too many documentaries about serial killers," Sage said.

"Don't piss off, Reese." Bailey shrugged.

Rowan shook her head as the girls followed me into the diner. I spotted the trash sitting with that douche and cracked my neck and knuckles. Sage and Rowan walked over and stopped at their table. Blair and the guy glanced at them.

"Excuse us," Sage said.

Rowan and Sage dragged the guy out of his seat and out of the diner. Blair swiveled her body, and I grabbed a handful of her nappy ass hair and yanked her off t of her seat. She slapped at me as I dragged her out of the dinner.

Sage went to town on the guy while I beat the shit out, Blair. Rowan and Bailey leaned against the diner and watched us. My fist connected with Blair's face over and over. The guy took a swing at Sage, and she dropped him.

Blair clawed at me, but it didn't matter. She endured a beating from hell and laid on the ground while groaning.

I got down near her face. "Wait until the Harpers find out that you set up Rafe. I hear Rafe's grandpa doesn't like assholes who attack the family."

Blair's eyes expanded as she stared at me in horror. I smirked.

"You piece of shit!"


I strolled over to Rowan and Bailey and watched Sage give the guy a beat down.

"Damn, look at Sage go," Bailey said.

"Did Sage take her meds?" Rowan asked.

"Nah, she skipped them today," I said.

"Great." Rowan walked over and pulled Sage from the guy.

"I'm not finished with this piece of shit!" Sage said.

"You are now."

"Damn it, Rowan."

"Come on. We need to leave before the cavalry arrives."

"Whatever." Sage marched to the car.

We climbed into the car as Sage called her Grandpa and explained what had happened. We don't ask what Sage's family does, but they make a problem disappear. Oh, well. The bitch should have left Rafe alone.


Payton and I pulled in front of a house and got out of the car. We strode to the front door and knocked. As soon as the front door opened, Payton grabbed Richard Percy and dragged his stupid ass out of the house. Payton hauled off and decked him, causing him to fly backward.

I walked over and leaned over Richard as he propped himself up. "Your bitch of a daughter put my grandson in the hospital."

"What?" Richard crumpled his brows.

"Don't play dumb. Your daughters have messed with my grandsons, and it stops now."

Richard got to his feet and rubbed his jaw. "Matt, I don't know what you're talking about. I got home from an overseas job this evening. I've been gone for six months."

Payton stepped towards Richard. "Your daughters have run amuck. Ask your loving wife what they've been doing."

Richard glanced between Payton and me. "I swear that I had no idea."

I leaned into Richard. "If my grandson dies, your family won't be breathing." I walked away, leaving Richard quaking in his boots.

We got into the car, and Payton drove me to the hospital. Richard is lucky it was me that showed up. Elias wouldn't take mercy on him.


I leaned with my back against the wall, and my arms crossed and seethed. Rafe laid in a hospital bed with a tube down this throat. Someone touched my arm. I glanced at Kadia.

"I'm sorry about Rafe. He didn't deserve what happened."

My brows creased.

"He will wake up, and you can help."


"You're name is Valentine which signifies love." Kadia looked at me with knitted brows.

I nodded and crept towards Rafe's bed. My brothers shifted, giving me access to Rafe. I leaned into his ear. "Raphael, you need to open your eyes because Romeo called you a Ninja Turtle."

Rafe opened his eyes and glowered at me. Everyone's eyes widened as I smirked. Rafe reached up and touched the tube. His brows knitted, and he pulled his hand from Ma and signed to us.

Why do I have a tube in my mouth?

"Because a dick at school slammed your head into the floor," Marty said.

Rafe held up his hand and gave us his middle finger. My brothers and I glanced at each other.

"Raphael, stop flipping people off," Grandpa said, entering with Nana and Payton.

Rafe signed to Grandpa.

"I'm aware and contacted the police. Your grandpa Greg is taking care of the legalities of the situation. Don't worry and get some rest."

Rafe nodded and closed his eyes. We heard sniffling and saw Dad wipe away tears. Grandpa placed his hand on Dad's shoulder as Dad cried.

"My birthday turned out better than expected," I said.

Everyone looked at me.

"Rafe opened his eyes."

Everyone nodded. My brothers piss me off, but I couldn't imagine my life without them. If I lost one of them, it would be like losing a part of myself.

We stayed until they kicked us out but allowed my parents to visit. It wouldn't matter. My parents would stay with us if we got hurt. That's why they mean so much to us.

Nana and Grandpa stayed with us while my parents were at the hospital. Yeah, most of us are adults, but we needed reassurance, and they offered it to us. Plus, who doesn't want to hang out with Nana and Grandpa?

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