Are you out of your mind?

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"Are you out of your mind?" Dad asked.  Well, you didn't ask but yelled at us.

Okay, let me backtrack. Our first mistake was listening to Romeo's stupid plan. Yeah, we tried to disguise Leokadia, but it didn't work. Our second mistake was listening to Romeo, period. Romeo's a tool.

We tried to hide Leokadia, but it didn't work. Dad caught us. Never assume your parents are dumb because they aren't.

It brings us to getting our asses handed to us by Dad.

"Why? Why would you hide someone's injury?"

"Because the school suspended Leokadia," Pat said.

Well, shit.

Dad narrowed his eyes as Val arched a brow.

"Someone start talking now."

"Sasha beamed Leokadia in the face with a rubber ball during gym class. Leokadia fought back," Marty said.

Dad rubbed his face. "I'll call the school and straighten out this mess."

"You should know that Leokadia flipped out when someone helped her," I said.

Dad crossed his arms. "Why?"

"Because one of her foster dads hit her because someone said she stole money from him."

Dad's eyes narrowed to a slit as his lips thin. Yeah, it's time to get the hell out of dodge. My brothers and I scrambled, getting up the stairs.


Dad exploded after Rafe dropped a bomb on him. Ma walked into the house at the right time. I left them to yell and checked on Leokadia.

I tapped on her door. She glanced at me. Damn.

I strolled over to her and sat down on the bed. "I heard you had a rough day."

"Yeah, but I got in a few good licks." Leokadia smiled.

"Rafe told us what happened."  I reached towards her.

She flinched.

I laid my palm on her cheek and stroked it with my thumb. "No one will touch you here."

Leokadia managed a small smile.  I dropped my hand. Someone tapped on the bedroom door. We turned our heads to see Ma and Dad standing in the doorway.

Ma walked over and took my spot on the bed. "Elias filled me in on what happened. Is that why you ran away from your previous foster homes?"

"It's easier than trying to fight off someone bigger than you. I refuse to let anyone lay their hands on me."

"That won't happen here. The boys know better than to hurt a female. I can't guarantee their cousins won't do damage."

Leokadia snickered.

"Elias and I talked. We'll straighten out the situation at school. In the meantime, Val will stay with you."

"Say what?" I asked.

"Oh, relax. Your dad is giving you paid time off from work."

"What about Pat?"

"Your brother has online classes."

"What about Romeo?"

"He has school. Why is this up for discussion?"

I gave Ma a look.

"Valentine, I trust you to help Leokadia. I don't trust your brothers."

I rolled my eyes.

Ma turned her attention to Leokadia. "Did you need anything?"

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