Homecoming, part one

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I don't know why I agreed to attend the Homecoming dance. Dances weren't my thing since I skipped most of them. Plus, it's not like I spent enough time in a school to attend a dance.

I sat on the bed, trying to figure out an excuse to get out of the dance. Someone knocked on my door. I glanced at Val.

"I hear the homecoming dance is coming up." Val strolled into my room and sat down on my bed.

"Yeah, and I'm trying to get out of it."


"Because I do not attend dances."

"Is it because you dislike dances or attending alone?"

"I never stayed in a school long enough to find out."

Val chuckled.

"Well, this sucks!" Rafe said.

Val and I looked at each other, then ran over to the door.

"What's wrong with a dance? You meet girls and have fun," Romeo said.

"Or you stand around with your dick in your hand,"
Rafe said.

"It's a dance. Suck it up."

"It's lame."

"Well, so are you," Pat said.

I pressed my lips together.

"Oh, this coming from the recluse," Rafe said.

Pat rolled his eyes.

"Who cares? Leokadia wants to go. So, we have to take her," Marty said.

"Correction. I'm taking Leokadia," Val said.

I stared at Val.

"What?" Rafe asked.

"Did I stutter?"


"Well, if Val's going, then so can Romeo and Pat," Marty said.

"What?" Pat and Romeo asked.

"I agree," Rafe smirked.

"Why do we need to go?" Romeo asked.

"Because we're going."

"We're not in high school," Pat said.

"Who cares?" Rafe shrugged.

"Yeah, not happing, little brother." Romeo walked away.

"I agree." Pat returned to his room.

Rafe looked at Marty. "If Val is taking Leokadia, then we're off the hook."


Rafe and Marty walked away.

"You have strange brothers."

"No, my brothers are dipshits."

I giggled.

Val turned to me, pulled me to him, and kissed me. He backed me into the bedroom and closed the door.


I finished calls before heading home. There was a delay with building materials. Owen was searching for other suppliers. With four boys leaving for college this fall, life would get expensive. Then we had Leokadia.

I came into the house to yelling. Ah, welcome to the nuthouse I call home. I set my bag down and strolled into the kitchen as Tori gave the smackdown to the boys. Well, except Val. He was missing, and so was Leokadia.

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