Finding the truth

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After my conversation with Val, I couldn't help but think about what he said. There's so much that I don't know about what happened. I only know about what I read or what people had told me.

It left more questions than answers for me. It was worse for Casper.

The woman that showed up at the school appeared again. Casper's dads had enough and called the police. To prevent suspicions, a guy pretended to be a parent. He waited until one day we came out of school, and Casper's mom showed up. He arrested the woman for harassment.

Rafe, Marty, Casper, and I watched as the guy led the woman to a car in handcuffs. Nowadays, you can never be too careful with people.


I arrested the woman and read her rights to her, then placed her in the backseat of my car. I took her to the precinct to question her.

After arriving, I led her to an interrogation room and removed her cuffs. She stared at me.

"Have a seat."

The woman sat down at the table.

I sat across from her. "What were you doing at the high school?"

The woman's eyes shifted.

"Miss, I received reports that you're stalking a minor. Why?"

The woman wouldn't look at me.

"Fine, then I'll book you for stalking and harassment." I rose from my seat.

The woman's face snapped in my direction. "Wait!"

I stopped and looked at the woman.

"I'll tell you why."

I gave her a slight nod and sat down.

"I wanted to see my son."

"Who? Who's your son?"

"Casper Harper."

"Casper Harper had been adopted. I know his fathers."

"I left him on the steps of a chapel when he was two months old."

"What is your name?"

"Bianka Leland."

I stared at the woman.

"I'm not stalking Casper. I wanted to see him."

"Then why not contact his parents?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

Bianka looked at me as I looked at her. She proceeded to tell me what happened and why she left Casper on the chapel steps. I wrote all the information down as she talked.

Flashback seventeen years ago

I stood in the kitchen and stared at Robert with a black eye.

"Baby, you know I don't like getting angry with you." Robert touched my chin.

I moved my face away.

Robert moved my face to face him. "Don't even think of leaving and taking my boy from me."

I gulped.

"I'll kill you both."

I trembled.

"I'll be back in a few hours." Robert left.

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