Request for- EmmaLogan4 doctors Niall + 5sos

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It was that time of the year again, your annual medical check up with non other then your big brother Niall and his mates Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael. There's literally no escape from these checkups considering just about every person you knew was some how related to your big brothers medical team. Calum and Michael had come and picked you up from school early due to your check up, and with a lot and I mean a lot of screaming and tears later you was happily placed in the back of the car drinking the one thing Niall absolutely hated, a red bull.

When arrived at the office, it wasn't that hard to coax you out of the car with yet again another red bull, for sure Niall's going to be killing someone today. By the time Niall had finished his appointment with his last patient for today, you was so hyped up you was ready to start climbing the walls. "Calum!!! Michael!!! What have you done to her?", he said pointing towards you. "We picked her up from school like this", Calum said covering both of their asses from getting kicked.

It wasn't that hard to get you into his office, and Niall had a faint idea of what happened, which is the reason he didn't allow both Michael and Calum into the examination room and instead set them off to do the cleaning. In the office all ready awaited Luke and Ashton which were to in some way help Niall out with you.

"Okay y/n, I want you to take a seat in this chair and ill just get your file up and running." Niall said turning away to the computer screen. Aloud bang knocked you out of your day dream, as you saw Luke and Ashton gathering together some of the equipment and the scales. You took this as a chance, and stole the one thing your big brother would need the most. His stephe scope, mouse (for the computer) and the shiny torch thing, and slid them down behind the chair where no one would ever find them.

"Lets get started then?", Niall said reaching out for his stephe scope. "Hmm, never mind", he said trying to work out in his mind where his stephe scope had gotten to. He moved on to the weights and height, but when going to record them on his computer the mouse was missing. "Strange", he said quietly to him self pulling out a pen and scribbling down the numbers on a peace of paper. Moving on to checking inside your ears a and mouth, your older brother knew something was up. Neither Luke or Ashton had touched you, or touched any of the equipment that had gone missing.

"Y/n, is there something you want to tell me?", he asked giving the dreaded stare that no one liked coming from the cute little Irish doctor. You broke, "I'm sorry, it's just I'm scared deep down and I thought if I hidden the stuff it would make youse go away", you cried out. Niall embracing you in the famous Horan hug whilst Ashton and Luke awed at the family moment. "It's okay to be scared baby girl, doesn't mean you have to hide my own stuff from me. I would never hurt you".

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