Niall bsm dentist imagine for brianna304

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"what do you mean your scared?", Harry asked you whilst sitting on the end of your bed. "i mean i am scared, i don want to get a check up!", you shouted back at Harry. "come on y/n your 13 years old, you shouldn't be scared of the dentist which is basically Niall and i. Please do it for me??", Harry pleaded. With a loud groan, you ripped the blankets back up over top of your face. Just hoping Harry would go away already.

The door creaked shut and Harry thumped off down the hall way. "god he's hot", you mumbled under your breath. Just the thought of Harry made you weak. You see Harry lived with you and your brother Niall in their shared flat. Along with living together both Niall and Harry worked together, as you guest it....DENTISTS!!!!! Along with that you have a major crush on Harry. Oh Harry.

"uuuuggggghhhhh", you screamed as out of no where Niall came into your room and jumped on your bed whilst ripping the blankets off of your curvy fragile body. "baby girl, you have to get up, you have an appoinment with me in an hour. Oh and Harry will be assisting me", Niall said wiggling him eyebrows up and down. As soon as Harry's name was mentioned you clicked. Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry!!!!

Sometime later you somehow you had agreed to going into town with both Niall and of course Harry to go and get your teeth checked, and hopefully, hopefully in no sort of way fixed. Fingers, toes, eye, and what ever else crossed. Snapping out of your thoughts whilst non the other Harry Styes stood in front of you waving his hands around in front of your face. "y/n come on, where going to be late", he rushed out soon followed by running out of your room and down the stairs. Whilst you closely followed.

It was the most awkward car ride to both Niall's and Harry's office, in the world. As Harry him self insisted for you to ride in his car and sit in the passenger seat right next to him. Their was a pleasant fresh doctor smell inside him car, along with the medium volume soft relaxed music. A crispy cold air blew out of the Air vents, that for some reason smelt like toothpaste. Small talk was made and you tried your hardest to keep your eyes off of his face, and when he caught you staring your face would go as red as a beetroot.


"okay y/n, if you can just head down the hallway and into my office. and just take a seat we shouldn't be to long", your brother Niall said, whilst unlocking the doors and turning the lights on in the office. So you headed down the hallway and to the left into Niall's office. The lights flickered on, out of the corner of your eye the tray of bright silver tools laid perfectly straight, one by one.

A pair of arms snaked up under your own, wrapping around your body and sending shivers throughout your body. A warm minty fresh breath dusted over your neck, making you once again shiver in excitement. "Cold are you?", his dark husky voice whispered into your ear. Nodding slowly, Harry removed his arms from around your waist. "Well how about you take a seat and i can get you prepped for Niall", he said walking over to the cupboard and getting gloves and a couple of other supplies out.

You shakily took a seat in the bright green chair, still a little shaken up over what just happened between Harry and yourself. "Okay so Niall told me to do a couple of x-rays and have a look over them. By then Niall should be ready to start your appointment and ill just be in here to assist him", Harry said whilst placing some films in the x-ray films. "Open wide". You opened as wide as you could whilst Harry inserted the films, quickly taking the picture and then removing the films. "Okay well thats done, so ill just go and fix up the pictures and send them into your file. Niall should be in soon."

About 5 minutes later both Niall and Harry walked/into the room at the same time, both had forced smiles plastered on their faces, which was so obvious. Both of them took a seat at the head of your chair and Niall started laying the chair back. You laid there looking straight into Niall and Harry's faces. "Whats wrong?", you asked becoming worried. "uh-uh well looking at the x-rays you have a small cavity in your lower left molar", Niall said frowning.

Your face dropped, theres no way i could have a cavity you thought in your head. But the needles, the drills, the scrapping out of the cavity, the smell of the filling, the curing light and last but not least the sanding and polishing. There was not one thing you liked about this procedure at all, and frankly you aren't in the mood for this right now. uuuugggghhhh!!!!

Harry picked up a bib and put all your hair in a pony tail, placing the bib around your neck. Niall's arm stretched up over your head and reached out towards the overhead light, switching it on and bringing it down towards your face. Squinting you let your eyes adjust to the bright light, and soon after Niall was asking you to open up and wide.

Harry picked up the spit tube and the air spray. You opened your mouth as big as you could, for Niall to stick his mirror and explorer in and hen also Harry's tools. The noise of the spit sucker and the air spray, the bright light, the smell of toothpaste filling you nose and then the searing pain when Niall started scraping inside the tooth's cavity. Your arms shot up in the air and both boys quickly retracted their tools. "well...i think we found the right tooth", Niall jokingly laughed.

When you was ready to start again you opened your mouth wide enough for Harry to insert a mouth prop. Once inserted Harry then passed Niall an needle full of novocain, which he them inserted. Your eyes becoming watery as your gum filling with a burning sensation as the needle was retracted and placed back empty on the tray. Whilst that was happening Harry whispered soothing words into your left ear.

Not long after all feelings in your mouth vanished, which caused you to dribble a little and have your tongue hanging out. Niall picked up the drill and the whizzing sound filled your ears, sending shivers down your spine. squeezing your eyes tightly until little tears where running down your cheeks. the noise soon stopped and then Harry passed Niall another tool, which yes you guessed it turned on too.

Vibrations over took your body and before you knew a strong distinct lemony smell filled your nostrils. Opening your eyes up wide, you could see Harry was holding a little jar and Niall was scrapping the contents out with his tool. It was the horrid filling. Harry then picked up the bright uv light and started curing the filling..... After the filling was all finished both Niall and Harry got on with the rest of the checkup and cleaning.

After your check up was over, Harry volunteered to take you home, as his first patient wasn't dew in for another 2 and 1/2 hours. you agreed and let Harry take you home, this time both talking more and getting to know each other (if you get what i mean ;)

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