This sounds just silly. Did that even really just happen? In a matter of minutes I found my true love and found out I could never be with him? I’ve never usually had a thing for people superior over me. For example Johnny. I could take on Johnny anytime without him doing anything to me. With Aidan, he’d always win. He’d always have first say for everything. I’d have nothing.

What about all of the guys I’ve liked because of they’re sense of humor? Aidan is probably one of the most serious and intense people I know. So how would that work out? Aidan just makes me feel…different then I’ve ever felt with someone else. Sure, I’ve had lots of little crush’s in the past, but this was much, much different. This was love. That was the bottom line. I don’t know how else to describe it.

I finally decided I better start getting a move on. Getting to my next class, something, instead of just standing here staring into oblivion. Staring after where Aidan was standing not seconds ago. Or…was it seconds ago? How long has it been?

My feet started making their way back towards the school before my brain really processed it. Right when I entered through the doors the bell rang and first period was getting let out. Pretty soon the hallways filled with students gossiping, talking, yelling, and hitting each other. Fighting the crowd of people rushing through the hallways, I made my way toward my locker to grab my books. Since I didn’t really get a chance to take my books to my class yet, I decided this was my opportunity, even though I liked to socialize during my break. The more I thought about it, the more I’m pretty sure I didn’t really want to talk to any one. After all of that, I really needed space from people. The only thing was, one person popped into my mind that I actually didn’t want to talk to, but needed to talk to. That person was Christina. I needed to make things right with her.

I started making my way to my second period class, figuring we only had about three minutes left, but something caught my eye. Two people, one specifically being my best friend, standing by some lockers. That wasn’t really that special though, the thing that caught my attention was that the two people were pushed against each other, lip locked.

The boy didn’t seem familiar. I can’t say that I knew him, but I sure as hell knew Christina. Looks like I’m not the only one with secrets around here. Eventually, I realized that I had stopped moving. When Christina and that guy separated slightly and seemed to start having a light conversation, my eyes found the ground and I made my feet move to my next period.


“Wow, are you even getting dizzy yet?” Christina asked as my eyes followed the ceiling fan round and round. I shrugged. Not only were my eyes spinning, but so was my head with many questions for Christina.

The sky outside was dark, but the moon was bright. Shining down right through my bedroom window. It was a nice cool night outside, so I kept the window open tonight. Sometimes it’s just relaxing.

I slowly got off of my bed, stumbling a bit, and walked over to the window. Examining the outside world was sometimes fun, especially when you’re confused. I wonder who that guy was…?

My thought got interrupted by a pillow contacting my back with suck force that I almost fell over. I whipped around and saw Christina shaking her head. “What?” I asked, still pretty disgusted. “What is your problem?” She demanded. I shrugged again. She rolled her eyes and started setting the volleyball again, being very careful not to break anything in my room.

“I just…I can’t really explain.” And I don’t think I want to either. She just ignored me and moved on. “Hey, you never did tell me why you had to ditch first period.” See, I knew Christina would forget about earlier today. But know the problem was, I needed forget about today. I think my reason is a bit bigger than Christina’s for being mad at me. Keeping that she was either going out with someone or she just decided to neck with them in the hallway. (which I find a bit disturbing.)

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