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Almost a year have passed, since Jungkook left the six boys and went back to his home, and not once did he hear about them again, other than on the news; they didn't try to contact him, look for him or ask about it, and it made him happy that they respected his decision, but it also made him a bit sad, because it was his fault he can't see them, hear them or feel their touch.

Everyday, he would come back from his classes, go straight to his room and hug his bunny, under his warm blanket, and put his earphones to hear Yoongi's son and his voice, he would then stare at the pictures for a few minutes, and when the song hit the tenth replay time, he would get up to play video games, when he would get hungry, he would get look for Jin's cook book and go cook something for himself and his family, for dinner, and when it would get to the nighttime, he would either go study or to bed again to read Namjoon's book.

That was his routine ever since he came back, except for some days where he would go out with his best friends, and sometimes Minsoo, who he would find randomly at places, as if she was waiting for him, but she also helped him, with forgetting about them, he would hang out with her, to stop thinking about them and distract himself from having them on his mind.

That day was a day where he went out with Yugyeom and Amy, they wanted to talk to him about something, they didn't specify what it was for, but he knew it was serious, by the expression they gave him, when they asked him out.

When they got to the cafe, they all sat down at their usual location, told the waiter, who happened to be their classmate, to get them their usual order. After that, Amy stared at Jungkook for a couple of seconds then asked Yugyeom if she should start talking or does he want to take the honor, Yugyeom let her take the honor and she started rambling.

"It's been seven months since you came back, our graduating is next week and you haven't changed ever since, it's like you are stuck at a timeline and can't get out of it, I hate seeing you like this, I tried to understand and stay quite but I can't anymore, why are you making yourself suffer like this?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Jungkook played dumb and didn't acknowledge what Amy was saying by; in his mind, he was doing alright, he was still hung over them but that would probably change soon, everybody took a while to get over a breakup, he wasn't any different, right?

"Oh, so you are going to pretend as if it's nothing? Okay, Yugyeom talk to him or else I am going to smack him." Amy was irritated with Jungkook's unwillingness to admit that he fell in love with them, or still attached to them, it hurt him to admit that he loved someone, because for him, love is an unobtainable thing, that would only destroy you if you have it, but that wasn't the case, love is a beautiful things, it didn't matter if it hurt in some cases or not, what was important was that you feel like you are flying in the sky when you get to that state, you feel like the king of the world and she wanted him to feel that way, and not restrict himself because of his childhood and his parents mistakes.

Amy looked done, even though they have just started the conversation, so Yugyeom took matters into his own hands and said: "Jungkook, we know that you have been holding on and not falling in love with anyone, ever since you were young, but that has to change, especially since you are in love with them."

"I am not." Jungkook denied, thinking that the lie he had been telling himself for seven months was true and not a way for himself to invalidate his feelings.

For him, he just missed them because they were his friends and he can't talk to them; which was logical, if you ignore, his routine of thinking of them 24/7, hugging the blanket Hoseok gave him, to remember his scent, eating Jin's food daily, to recall his days with them, looking at the pictures Jimin gave him, to remember each day he spent with them, listening to Yoongi's song on repeat for five hours at a time, reading Namjoon's book every night and imagining the things he read as a reality, playing the games Taehyung gave him and crying almost every time, when he would start thinking about their time playing game.

So if you ignore all of that, then yeah, he just missed his friends.

"Please, don't do this, it's stupid and pointless, you are only going to regret it later in life." Yugyeom added, while Jungkook was just staring blankly at them, not answering or saying anything for that matter, because he didn't know what to say or how to justify himself.

"And just because your parents relationship didn't work out, it doesn't mean yours won't either, you are different people." Amy said and when Jungkook was just about to answer that he had the same genes, their waiter came, with their orders.

"Here are your drinks and meal for Jungkook." He put them down with a smile, his eyes hanging on Amy a bit too long.

"Thank you." Amy said with a smile, as Jungkook started eating , to avoid saying anything.

"Anything for the beautiful lady and her friends." He said with a wink and left.

"Oh my god, he hit on you." Yugyeom said with a surprised, as if Amy was an idiot and couldn't know that himself, she stared at him with 'are you serious' stare and just ignored him, to continue trying to convince Jungkook to think over what he did.

They stayed in the restaurant for four hours, until closing time, with Amy and Yugyeom talking mostly about what Jungkook was missing and what he would regret, and by the time, they went out, they finished it off with saying: "You are just eighteen (I don't know if I mentioned his age before, I tried looking but the book is 50 chapters long, 50k words and I just can't, sorry, so if the age is wrong, someone comment and I will change it, sorry again) your life is ahead of you, and I don't want you at thirty to regret not chasing after your love."

"It's your choice but as your friends, we know you, maybe even better than you do and we both can confidently say, you love them and is very deeply attached to them, and I think it would make you happy to chase after them."

After he heard that, Jungkook just nodded and went on a ride around the city, to think about what they said.

A couple of hours later, he was standing at a hill and looking up to the stars, they were beautiful and would be even more beautiful, if he was looking at them while cuddling with someone.

"I am chasing them."

The end

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