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While Hoseok was busy thinking if it was all a dream and that it cannot be true, because Yoongi hates dancing; Yoongi walked closer to Hoseok and stood right in front of him and said: "Yes, you Hobi. I want us to become closer, I have come to realize that it's wrong for me to expect to come closer to me and be comfortable around me, when I just sitting down and doing nothing, and I thought joining you today would help, if you don't want me here, you don't need to feel pressured to allow to be with you."

Yoongi didn't want to force Hoseok to accept him anymore, he is willing to take small steps at a time, he was rushing things till this point and that got him no where so maybe taking it slowly and steadily will help improve their relationship; and maybe he should try it with the others too, once he talks to Jungkook, of course.

"No, it's not like that, I just didn't expect it." Hoseok replied, laughing nervously and scratching the back of his head; he never expected Yoongi to be......how do you do say it, caring, not the right word but we will roll with it, he never expected Yoongi to care about him enough, to share the same interests as him, he is utterly shocked and a bit happy about it.

"Your expectations are low towards me but I will try to raise them as time goes on, if you allow me." Yoongi got down on my knee and kissed Hoseok's hand, while the latter stood there, not knowing what to say or do; Yoongi was acting as if he was a prince because he knows how much Hoseok likes this kind of stuff, he noticed it every time they sat down together in the living room, to watch TV so he is trying to win him over, using a pretty known technique in historical dramas.

Seeing Yoongi's serious eyes and light smile, made Hoseok hope, it made him hope that everything was going to be alright from now on, so he held Yoongi's hand and said: "I would be more than happy to do that." Hoseok smiled brightly and for the first time since they met, it was for him, he smiled towards him, it wasn't a fake smile or a sad smile, it was a real one, oh how long he waited for that to happen and it only took this? If he knew this, he would have joined him in all of dance practices but now he knows and he won't let it go.

With that being out of the way, Yoongi thanked Hoseok from letting him stay and asked him to help him dance, Hoseok was more than happy to oblige, showing Yoongi his dance moves and then showing them to him, one by one, so he could preform them; slowly, Yoongi was starting to get the geste of it and they started dancing together, with Yoongi making some mistakes here and there but both were having fun, so neither of them cared about that, it's not like they have a concert to preform or anything, they are just doing it for fun and to spend time together.

Everything was going great, until Hoseok's phone started ringing, he cheerfully went to check it out, telling Yoongi to continue practicing, but when he answered, he heard a familiar voice, that made him drop his phone and shiver; the oblivious Yoongi who heard a thud, stopped the music and asked Hoseok if he was okay, and when he didn't get a response, he knew he wasn't but the problem was, he didn't know what to do, Hoseok was sitting in a corner, hugging himself and silently crying, he didn't know if he was supposed to go and hug him or not, he was afraid of making it worst by approaching him, so he took his phone and called the only person he knew, who could help him.

"Hello?" Jungkook answered, walking away from the restaurant, where he was waiting for Taehyung, who just went to the bathroom.

"Hoseok is crying and I don't know what to do." Yoongi said, worrisome vivid in his tone, he didn't know if calling Jungkook was the solution but it was the only thing that he thought about, when he saw Hoseok in that state, Jungkook came in his mind and said 'call me.'

"Do you know why he started crying?" Jungkook asked, trying to figure out a way to help the both of them, he didn't know why Yoongi called him and thought he could help but he will try his best to do so.

"He got a call and then he went to a corner and started crying, should I go to him?" Yoongi asked, staring at Hoseok, whose crying got worse, it was almost as if he couldn't breath, he was even choking at times; he needed an answer immediately, does he leave and let him have space or does he stay and comfort him, which will be better for Hoseok??

"Of course you should, just give him a small hug and tell him that everything will be okay, that everything is alright and that you are with him." Jungkook said the words he hoped for someone to say to him, when he is having nightmares but that will never happen, so why hope?

"Ok, thank you." Yoongi said and he was about to hang up when Jungkook added a few other things, that could help them.

"No problem and if he tells you to leave him alone, do as he says and just get him something he likes or wait by the door." Jungkook tried to remember all the things he hoped people would have done to him, or have already done to comfort him and said them; he didn't know if they will help Hoseok the same way, it helped him but unfortunately that's all he knows.

"Ok, bye."

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