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"Or else this would happen." Jimin said as he shot her hand, to make her drop the gun and then shot her in the shoulder, making her drop to the floor with pain. She screamed in agony, as Jimin pulled Hoseok away.

Hoseok stared at her, while he was being dragged away, seeing her laying on the ground helplessly, reminded him so much of himself when she kidnapped a few years ago, it was the same as the day she shot him in anger, but this time it's her, who got shot and since he wasn't like her, he was human enough to tell a nurse to go check on her in the room, while they left the floor, to go out to the garden.

They reached the back of the hospital, in a unpopular area, where Jimin stopped and hugged Hoseok, telling him that everything was okay now, Hoseok didn't do anything and just nodded. They stayed that way, until Jimin let go of the hug and took Hoseok to sit down on a stair and ask him about the girl, how he knows her and why she was behaving that way.

Hoseok faced that question before but he didn't answer that time, but now he was ready to talk to someone about it, because he knew he was not alone, he had people who cared about him and he wasn't going to be afraid for her future anymore, or worry about her, she did this to herself, she could have walked away a long time ago but she didn't and chose to torment him instead, what kind of person does that? A psycho?

Not wanting to keep Jimin eating for his answer, he started talking: "She...we were friends, really close friends, until one day she confessed to me and asked me to be her boyfriend, I agreed even though I didn't like her because I thought I would grew to like her with time; I didn't, months passed and I wasn't able to feel anything for her, I tried but nothing, I didn't want to keep tricking her into thinking I like her so I told her and do you know what she said? She said she knows and that she doesn't mind, as long as I stayed with her, she didn't care about anything else but I did, so I broke it off. She didn't agree at first but I didn't budge and told her I can't stay with her, no matter what. And two months after our break up, I got kidnapped."

"You got what? It was her?" Jimin asked, utterly shocked at the way she approached the situation, he just thought she was a stalker and a creepy ex but guess she was way more than just that.

"Yeah, she took me to a house in the middle of the woods and locked me there, I was her prisoner, she chained me to a bed and would get me food every eight hours, I wasn't allowed to do anything, other than what she wanted, which was writing her love notes, if I didn't write her one she liked, she would get angry and hit me with whatever her hand touched, I wasn't allowed to go anywhere either, not even to the bathroom, she would wash me and do whatever she wanted with me, she would come every night and........"

"I get it, you can skip that part."

"Thank you. It went on for three weeks, almost a month, it was hell and I was so close to giving up, when one day she didn't like my note and smashed a mirror on my face and didn't clean it up, she got a call from someone and had to go, I knew that was my opportunity because I was tied up with a rope and I could cut with one of the pieces of the mirror, so I did, it took me hours because I haven't eaten anything for two days, wasn't behaving according to her and didn't deserve food." Hoseok started thinking about that day again and his heart was beating loudly, remembering that day and all the days he spent with her, the days he spent without a grain of rice, the days when he was humiliated for her own sake. He was close to having a panic attack, when Jimin held his hand and reminded him that he was safe, and that he wouldn't go through that again, ever.

He believed him and took a deep breath and continued. "I was able to free myself and get out of the house, I ran all night and was able to find a car and go to a hospital. Later on, she got in prison, for obvious reasons but guess she was let go." Hoseok finished his story and Jimin was horrified, he thought Yoongi's story will be the most bizarre thing he would hear this month or even year, but Hoseok had it much worse.

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