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"He has a child." Hoseok said, as Yoongi entered the house, with Daniel holding on to his pants, while he was carrying Jimin. He left Daniel at the living room, as he took Jimin to their shared.

"He has a child?" Namjoon asked, sticking his head out of the kitchen, seeing a small child in the middle of the living room, fidgeting and looking around him.

"Who has a child?" Jin asked, walking out of the kitchen, with a spatula in his hands, he saw the child and widened his eyes, did someone get a kid without telling him? The kid does have Yoongi's eyes and is pale as him, so maybe.

"Yoongi." Hoseok responded to his question, as Yoongi came down the stairs, everyone staring at him, as he took Daniel in his arms and put him down on a couch, took the remote from Hoseok, who was originally watching TV and turned on a kid's show, telling Daniel, to watch TV, while he goes and talks to his friends, Daniel nodded and kicked his shoes off, enjoying the show.

Yoongi and Hoseok walked to the kitchen, with Namjoon and Jin going back in again, to hear what Yoongi had to say about the child he just brought.

"Did you adopt or something?" Jin asked, holding the spatula, ready to hit Yoongi with it, if he says yes, because they are absolutely not ready to have kids, they are barely able to keep their relationship together and now a kid? Did Yoongi think that will fix it? Because a lot of his colleagues did the same and only regretted after; you can't save a marriage with a child, you will just destroy the child along with yourselves.

"No, it's my friend's kid." Yoongi denied and they all sighed in relief. They all knew they weren't ready for this kind of commitment, it took them hours of discussion to get Yeontan and he is a pet, and they only got him because of what happened to Taehyung and they felt that it will cheer him up, so for a kid, they will have to discuss it for days, maybe even weeks or months.

And since we are talking about Taehyung and Yeontan, let's talk about how Taehyung jumped down from his window, with Yeontan in his arms, to go to Yuhi's shop, he didn't want the others to know or see him, knowing that Namjoon will stalk him if he did and Yoongi will question him for hours before letting him go and right now, he just wanted to talk to someone who knew him and someone who he felt comfortable with, like Yuhi, the person who knows about his relationship with his brother and went through the same thing.

He was glad to be able to call Yuhi his friend, because he didn't have many of those, actually he had none, he only had Yuhi at the moment and maybe Jungkook, but Jungkook is in the hospital because of him and he doesn't want to bother him, so Yuhi was the better option for the day.

While Taehyung sneaked out, the others were still talking downstairs, about Daniel and why Yoongi brought him here, their household is......a bit toxic, they are screaming and fighting almost everyday and that's not a good environment for a child.

"He is here to help us not fight, if he is here, then we won't fight." Yoongi made up an excuse, not wanting to get into details and explain the whole story again to them, but his lie was more exposed than Jimin's shoulders, so the others gave him a 'we are not buying that' look and told him that he was obviously lying.

"I have never heard a dumber reason." Jin said, being disappointed in Yoongi's ability to lie, he was too honest for his own good and will expose himself without any efforts, his face always speaks before he does and tells them if what he is going to say is a lie or the truth.

Yoongi looked around, not wanting to talk, until Hoseok, his weak point, grabbed his hand, staring deep into his beautiful eyes and said: "Tell us the truth." And just like that, Yoongi started talking in less than two seconds, just like magic, with Hoseok being the magic spell.

"His mother locked him up and I wanted to get him out." Yoongi made it as short as a sentence can be, leaving any extra informations, that they don't need to know to accept Daniel living with them for a couple of days, or until Mia settles things down with Roxanne and gets her to stop.

"Aww, poor baby." Jin said, looking at Daniel, who was laughing loudly and enjoying his time, he pitied the boy, what kind of mother would do that?

"Such a horrible mother." Namjoon commented under his breath and Yoongi heard him, be immediately denied the false statement, knowing that Mia was forced to do this, because of her fear of losing her son, as well, he is the only memory left from Michael and his existence mattered to her and for her mentality, along with him, he doesn't know if he or his wolf will be able to live in a world without Daniel existing in it.

It's selfish in a way that a part of him only cared about Daniel, he did love Daniel with his heart and soul, like a father would, just like he promised Michael, but a part of him, only looked after Daniel, because he was afraid of disappearing if he did, he had never heard of a person being able to live normally without their mates being alive, their either die, by liking themselves or their wolves killing them, or going insane, it's one of the two; the fact that he was still alive is a miracle and the fact that he is in a relationship, sort of, is not even miracle, it's a reality he is not sure exists in the first place.

Sometimes he wonders if it is all a dream and he is still in a coma (foreshadowing?)

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