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There is an update before this one

"Please follow me." Leah asked them to, with a huge smile, after her boss hang up the phone; she didn't get scolded! Turned out, the boss only wanted his friend to be able to rest in the break room and to give him whatever he wanted, from snacks, drinks or dishes.

"It's okay, I know the way." Taehyung said, as he still remembered the only place that made him feel better, the break room, where he and Yuhi used to play video games together, just as he thought about it, his heart skipped a beat, all the times he spent with Yuhi, the feelings he felt on those days, the love he felt for Yuhi, the boy who was a year younger that him and treated him as an older brother, or at least that what he though, until he decided to leave and Yuhi confessed to him.

To this day, he still regretted leaving, maybe if he chose Yuhi instead of his mates, maybe then, he would have been happier and he would have turned out to be a better person, but it's too late to try and fix it, he was glad that they were able to be friends again and that's all he was going to long for.

"Do you want to drink or eat anything? It's on the house." Leah

"Just an orange juice please." Taehyung

"Okay; I will bring it to you." Leah

"Thank you." Taehyung said, as he walked to the break room, oddly he still remembered the way to it, after so many years, he felt as he last visited last night and that he isn't to be lost, even if he was blindfolded; strange how he can remember everything in this place but still has a hard time, remembering where his mates's houses are.

As soon as he reached the room, he put Jungkook on the couch and took off his jacket, he put it on him and sat beside him, he looked around the room and noticed that it haven't changed much from before, only the couch and the TV got bigger; he was about to get up to see if the video games were still available but Jungkook held his hand and then proceeded to put his head on his thigh.

It didn't look like he was awake, but it was still a bit confusing for Taehyung, Jungkook was reluctant all day to hold his hand and now he was doing it on his own? Was something wrong?

Indeed something was wrong, Jungkook was having a nightmare, a nightmare about his mother, she hit him because he asked for food, it happened when he was five years old, he didn't eat for two days and couldn't keep quiet any longer, but his mother didn't like that and started calling his ungrateful and useless for asking, she told him to go get it himself and kicked him out of the house, that's when he almost got abducted and currently he was dreaming about a man's hand reaching him and putting him in a truck, that didn't happen in reality, he was able to run away but his mind turned it to another thing and he started crying in his dream.

Some tears left Jungkook's eyes and he started shaking, Taehyung got worried and tried to wake him up but it was useless, Jungkook wasn't waking up, so he did the only thing he thought would help, he held Jungkook's hand tighter and brushed his hair, as he got closer to him and whispered to him that everything was okay, that he was fine and safe, that he was going to protect him.

After a few minutes and a couple more words of reassurance from Taehyung, Jungkook stopped shaking and calmed down, he stopped crying but that didn't stop Taehyung from playing with his hair, and because he couldn't think of any other reassuring words to tell Jungkook, he sang for him, a soft melody, his mother used to sing for him when he was a child.

The door opened and Leah came in, with the juice and put it on the table, but she knew nobody was going to drink it, because they were both asleep; Leah giggled to herself, they both looked so cute, with her boss's friend leaning on the back of the couch and holding the boy's hand, whose head was on his lap, both looking so peaceful and innocent, that she couldn't help herself; she took her phone out and captured a few photos of them; she wasn't to be doing that but she would ask them later if she could keep it or delete it or send it to them.

She left the room and saw that her boss was at the door, he ran to her and asked if his friend was still here; he was late because of an accident and got worried that Taehyung left but he didn't, unfortunately Leah told him he was asleep along with his friend.

"Friend? What friend? Taehyung doesn't have any friend other than me." Yuhi knew that Taehyung wasn't a social person, it was hard for them to become friends because of that, but did he change?

"I don't know, I assumed it was his friend. But anyway, don't bother them now, it's 1am and they looked tired." Leah guessed that both of the boys didn't rest all evening and were dead tired, especially the boy with blonde hair, he looked as he hadn't slept in days and maybe that was the case.

"But I want to talk to hyung!" Yuhi said, acting like a child and almost throwing a tantrum if not for Leah telling him that they have customers and that he needs to quiet down, then she tried to explain to him, why he couldn't talk to the sleeping boys right now, because apparently, the only thing he cared about at the moment is his reunion with his friend, who he haven't seen for years.

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