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Jungkook told his uncle that he will stay in Seoul and wait for them to come back, it took him a couple of hours to convince both his uncle and aunt but it worked, under one condition, Mark stays with him and they will both take care of each other, while his uncle, his aunt and the twins go to visit his uncle's sister; he accepted and today is the day he promised Mark that he will come, so he had to go.

"Will you be okay?" Namjoon asked him, worriedly looking at him, along with Jin, while the others rolled their eyes, they didn't like the way they treated the omega, why were they nice to him? He is just a nuisance to them, it's fantastic that he is leaving, this way they don't have to smell his disgustingly sweet scent anymore.

"I will, don't worry. I will need to tell you when the second part of the mark shows up, so can any of you give me his number? Or anything that I can contact you with." Jungkook asked, and while some avoided eye contact, because they didn't want to have his number and vice versa, one smirked and volunteered.

"You can have my number." Yoongi said, with an oddly sweet smile, that slightly scared Jungkook, because he have never seen the pale man smile or even act friendly with him, what was he trying to do?

"Thank you, I will go change back to my clothes." Jungkook was wearing Jin's clothes, his clothes got dirty with sweat and he had to shower; but he couldn't keep them on because its smell will kill him slowly if he owns it, so it's best if he give it back and erase having them from his memory.

"Your clothes are on the chair near the dresser." Jin told him, as he was going up the stairs; he was still worried but he wasn't in the place to ask him to stay, he isn't going to prison him because he is worried, he is not Yoongi, unlike Yoongi, he cares about people's feelings and their wishes so if Jungkook wants to leave, he will open the door for him and let him go.

"Okay." Jungkook responded, with a small smile, hurrying up upstairs, excited to meet Mark, he has been stuck in this house with six strangers for a week, seeing Mark will surely cheer him up and make him forget the multiple incidents he had to face in this house; like Taehyung entering the shower while he was in it, or Jimin accidentally hugging him because he thought he was someone else, or Jin almost burning his finger because of him, or him seeing Hoseok seeing admiring the hickeys he gave him, no no, that surely wasn't the case, he is just imaging things.

"I have to stay away, I will not get fooled, I don't want to get thrown away, I only need myself to survive." Jungkook told himself, facing himself in the mirror, drops of water falling from his hair, he touched his neck, he wanted to grab a knife and remove those marks from his neck but he couldn't, because he will die if he did that and he doesn't want die yet, he still has a lot he wants to do.

'No, you need mate.' A voice rang inside his head, the voice he hated the most and wished he could get rid of but that wasn't possible, that voice will haunt him for him entire life.

'Shut up, I don't need anyone.' Jungkook responded, trying to convince himself as well as his wolf, that they didn't need anyone, that they were fine on their own; he doesn't understand why he can his wolf's voice because as far as he knows, that isn't possible, he asked everyone he knows about it and the only response he got: 'Aren't you just imagining things?' Because there has never been someone who could talk to their wolves, to the point where some people stopped believing in them and thought that everything happening was an experiment or a scheme executed from someone in a high position; but he knows that's not true because he hears him, his desperate voice for the love, that chases him every time he tries to forget his fate.


'I am the one in control, don't think that just because you can talk to me, you can control me, go back to sleep and don't bother me.' Jungkook hated his wolf, he was weak and the only thing he craved for was love and care from the so called mates, soulmates, the partner that will sacrifice everything for their other half, but unlike his naive wolf, he doesn't believe any of it, it's all lies created to trick him into thinking he is living in a fairytale when in reality, life is far more harsh than that, people will step on you if you are not useful to them, the only thing that matters is your value to them.

Love is not true, the only true thing in the world, is desire and needs, as long as you need someone, you will 'love' them but when they become useless, you will stray away from them, that's the concept of life and he will continue believing in it, until he is proven otherwise, which will never happen, or so he thinks.

It wasn't impossible for Jungkook to love, but it was impossible for him to admit it to himself or others, which oddly enough was the same for his mates; let's take for example, Kim Taehyung, an alpha who hates omega and despises them because of their seductive nature, but the thing is he doesn't hate Jungkook, as much as he pretended to, he didn't, after the first day they saw each other, when he was about to assault him, he couldn't stop thinking about him, his face was stuck to his brain; it made him angry, ashamed and embarrassed, it's an omega, he is supposed to hate him, so why?

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