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Thank you for waiting

I had my last project this morning so I am going to update again starting today, I will try to update twice a day, once in the morning and once at night (in my time zone), to make up for the long break I took (I wasn't expecting it to be that long to be honest)

Anyway here is the chapter.

At 11am, Jungkook opened his eyes, to find himself sleeping on a couch all by himself, his head on a pillow and covered with a thin blanket, he yawned and tried to remember how he got here, he remembered that he and Taehyung came here so he relaxed and got up, folded the blanket and put it along the pillow on the side of the couch, put on his shoes and looked for the door.

He walked out of the room, to find a few people outside with a girl going around the place, seemingly taking orders and serving the customers, he didn't remember who the girl was but the girl did, so as soon as she saw him, she went to him.

"Good morning!" She greeted him, with a smile.

"Good morning." He replied with a smile and then asked her if she knew where Taehyung was; she nodded and told him to follow her.

"Tae, your lover is awake!" Leah said as she entered the kitchen with Jungkook, earning a glare from Yuhi, who didn't like the words 'Tae' and 'your lovers' being in the same sentence, he still didn't want to believe that Taehyung had mates and was in love with them or even one of them.

"Good morning Kook!" Taehyung said, with a boxy smile, his hands and face covered in flour, he was helping Yuhi making a dough.

After he woke up, at 8am, he found Yuhi in the kitchen, who was very excited to see him, he hugged him tightly and didn't let go for five minutes, and when he let go, he held his hand and took him to a table outside, telling him how much he missed him and to tell him everything about him; they talked for about an hour, they would have gone for longer, if not for Leah telling Yuhi that they have customers to serve.

Yuhi had to go do his job and asked Taehyung if he would like to join him in the kitchen, it was only an excuse so they could spend more time together, Taehyung agreed since he had nothing to do and Jungkook was still asleep so they started cooking together.

It was more fun than he thought it would be, he never tried cooking before because every time he would try, he would burn something or himself, his parents didn't allow him in the kitchen when he was young, since they believe that no alphas should do something omegas are supposed to be doing.

And when he got older and had to depend on himself, he couldn't and would always end up eating in Yuhi's parents cafe, and then he started eating at Jin's place or from convenience stores, he could hire a maid but he wasn't comfortable with omegas and couldn't afford it because he was saving up to go overseas.

Back to the present, he was making bread with Yuhi, when Jungkook entered, looking like a baby bunny who just woke, along with his bed hair which made him look more like a baby, he walked to him and tried to fix his hair with his hand, after getting the floor off, he didn't get all the flour off so some of Jungkook's hair became white.

"You look cute with grey hair." Leah commented, stealing a strawberry from a jar near by and munching on it, watching Jungkook blush and Yuhi's expression turning sour.

"Why did you do that? You should have told me to do it on my own." Jungkook complained with a pout, fixing his hair and dusting the floor off his hair.

"I did it unconsciously, maybe because I used to do it to Yuhi a lot, sorry." When he mentioned Yuhi's name, the latter thought that it's his time to shine and push Jungkook to the shadows.

"It's..." Before Jungkook could finish his sentence, Yuhi cut him off and turned Taehyung's face towards him.

"Taetae, remember when we dyed our hair purple together?" Yuhi asked with a fake cheerful tone and pushed Jungkook away while he locked hands with Taehyung and took him inside the kitchen, while Jungkook stayed at the door.

Leah rolled her eyes and told Jungkook not care about Yuhi, he smirked and said he doesn't care, but since he doesn't like getting cut off, he wouldn't leave them have their fun.

He walked up to them, got close to Taehyung and whispered in his ear: "We only have an hour and a half left till 1pm, you sure want to spend it with him?" He said it and then walked away, sitting at one of the tables, waiting for Taehyung to walk out and come to him.

And he did, ten minutes after he left the kitchen, Taehyung came to him and told him that they should go, he smiled and got up, glancing at Yuhi, who was glaring at him, he only waved at him and linked arms with Taehyung as they walked out of the cafe.

"I hate him."

"I am sure he does too, but to be fair, you are the one flirting with a taken man." Leah said, as she couldn't understand why Yuhi wasn't willing to simply give up on his past love and move on, there are a lot of fishes in the sea, maybe not at handsome as the one before but still a valid option.

"There is no taken man in the world, only ones who don't take the risk." Yuhi said and then walked back to the kitchen, leaving the door open for Leah, who held it and delivered one line before going back to her job.

"Well, I didn't know you can make someone hate a person with just one sentence, but guess what? You proved me wrong." Leah said and then shut the door behind her.

Well that's it, how was it?

To be honest, I forgot the plot of the book so I have to reread it and try to remember the ideas I had for it

I will update later or tomorrow

Purple you 💜

Stay safe

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