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"You touch one lock of his hair and I will forget how to control my hands." Jin warned him as he held back, not allowing him to go upstairs; they couldn't afford getting someone else in the hospital because of Yoongi's jealousy, even if it's justified this time, violence isn't the answer.

"Why are so protective over him? Do you love him?" Yoongi asked him, in a mocking tone, surprising both Namjoon and Hoseok, who knew as much as he did that, it couldn't be the case, Jin isn't even capable of loving them, after knowing them for years, which is something he admitted, let alone love someone he met not even a day ago.

"I don't even know the guy, how could I love him?" Jin responded to him, slightly angry with what he said because he knows his condition and his feelings towards love.

"But it seems like it." Yoongi said nonchalantly, angering Jin even more because of his attitude and lack of respect towards him, but he held it in, this isn't the hospital, this isn't the interns, this is his mate, he is different.

"I am just trying to help a poor child in need." Jin said, attracting the attention of a certain boy, who just got up from his deep slumber and assumed they were talking about him, the moment they started talking about hickeys because he remembers giving some to one of the four people standing downstairs.

He doesn't remember which one and he doesn't really care who it is, what he cares about most right now, is the pale man threatening to kill him and the board shoulder man defending him for some reason, which he didn't like much, he can defend himself on his own, so he did.

"Who are you going to kill?" Jungkook asked, getting down from the stairs, surprising Jin who thought he would be asleep for at least a day.

"You." Yoongi responded, matching towards Jungkook, ready to take his life away, for taking his spot in monopolizing his mate.

"Then try." Jungkook said, with a dead look on his eyes as he finally reached the last step and waited for Yoongi to do something; he isn't backing down, it may have been his fault for doing something to someone who already has mates, but there is something called talking and solving the issue, which this pale person doesn't seem to know about so he will do it his way.

Before Yoongi could land a punch on Jungkook, a hand stopped him, it was Namjoon, who stood between him and Jungkook, telling Yoongi to stop it and to act more mature, which only angered him more, saying that the omega is the immature one for touching something that doesn't belong to him.

"But I don't want to belong to anyone...." Hoseok whispered to himself but nobody heard him and that's exactly what he wanted, not to get any attention from anyone but that was thrown out of the window in under two minutes.

"You, go back to the room if you don't want to get hurt." Jin said, gesturing to Jungkook to go back before things got worst, from what it already was.

"I have a name, it's Jungkook." Jungkook responded sassily, for some reason, he is feeling really moody right now, maybe it's because of the pain he experienced earlier, which ruined his entire mood for probably the next few days.

"Okay, Jungkook, please go back to the room." Jin asked more nicely, wishing that the boy would just go away and they wouldn't need to use that method, to stop Yoongi.

"Why should I?" Jungkook responded with a challenging look on his face, staring at Jin and waiting for him to answer him.

"To stay safe, you are still in heat and your scent is coming out and those are alphas, they may attack you." Jin warned him, looking at him with serious eyes, making Jungkook give up on his attempt to rebel and decide to go back.

"Fine, but I want to take him with me." Jungkook said, pointing at Hoseok, who was busy staring at his fingers and wondering how long his nails have gotten, not noticing Yoongi's eyes getting redder by the second, forcing Jin to give Namjoon the signal, the signal to knock Yoongi down and make him stop his transformation, before he destroys them all.

"Take him to his apartment and stay with him, make sure he stays the way he is now." Jin told Namjoon at the door, the latter was carrying Yoongi and taking him to his car, where his chauffeur was waiting for him, for the past few hours, because he forgot to tell him that he will be staying and not going on the date, and the driver isn't allowed to call him so he had to wait for him in the hot car and hope for him to come out soon.

"Yes." Namjoon said and Jin smiled, patting him on the head and telling him that he looks handsome today, making him blush and quickly leave the place, before his face turns to a tomato if it didn't turn that color already.

Jin chuckled at Namjoon and got back inside, seeing that Jungkook was approaching Hoseok, who stood there and did nothing, so he went there and stood between them. "And you, Jungkook, you are not taking anyone, go to the room before I get my spatula."

"What are you? My mom?" Jungkook said, rolling his eyes, acting like an angsty teen, because he is a teenager and he is in his heat, so his behavior was up notch, to be a rebellious bad boy.

"Go!" Jin glared at him but when he didn't budge, he held Hoseok's hand and went to the kitchen to get his spatule but when he turned around, Jungkook was gone and the only one left was a blushing Hoseok, who asked him to let go of his hand, which made Jin slightly angry for multiple reasons.

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