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"He is the one at fault!" Taehyung screamed, after Jin slammed the door shut and told the others not to open, no matter what happens or when he says they hate to.

"It's his body acting on its own." Jin

"Then are you saying that it's my fault?" Taehyung

"Yes, you have to be able to control yourself and act like a human being." Jin

"Now, you are lecturing me because of an omega?" Taehyung asked him, in a mocking tone, as he already noticed, along with the others, that the boy inside was an omega, the thing they all hate so much and swore never to approach in their life, because look at what happened when they did.

"He is a person, Taehyung, he deserves respect as any of us does, and if you can't respect him or hold back, you can leave." Jin

"You are kicking me out, because of that?" Taehyung

"Just because he is suffering from something he can't control, doesn't mean anything, it doesn't give you any reason to not treat him as an equal." Jin said, but Taehyung wasn't listening at the moment, he was too angry to try and understand anything, so he stormed out of the property, with a heavy heart.

Jin didn't follow him, he couldn't, because it wouldn't make any difference if he did, so he told Jimin to follow him and to try and calm him down, and get some reason inside his thick brain.

After what have happened, Namjoon and Yoongi were staring at the stairs and wondering if they should go up there, to see what was going on with Hoseok and the omega, but Jin didn't let them, telling them to go back to the table and finish their dinner, while he goes and check on the boy.

As soon as he reached the top, he could smell it, the scent of an omega in heat, luckily he was also a beta and he could handle it, unlike the two guys downstairs, who are probably trying their hardest not to get tempted by the smell.

When he reached the door to their room, Jin knocked and waited for Hoseok to open the door for him, after he confirmed that it was no one other than him; as Hoseok opened the door, the smell got stronger so he quickly got in and slammed the door shut.

"How is he?" Jin asked, looking around for the boy, then noticing the bathroom's shut door and Hoseok telling him that he locked him there, with an unbuttoned shirt and only underwear.

"Not good, at this rate, he is going to die if he doesn't relieve himself but he can't even move his hands." Hoseok wasn't sure on what to do, if the boy's heart keeps racing the way it is, it would stop eventually, and if that doesn't happen, his heat will be the one responsible for his death, because if the lust isn't fulfilled then the body dies on its own.

"Then why haven't you done anything yet?" Jin asked, seeing that, at this point, the only way to help the boy is to touch him, which is proud one thing Hoseok has came to before him, but it seems like he haven't done anything to the boy.

"Because I don't want to touch him." Hoseok replied, looking down at the floor, he did try to help but then he couldn't, he couldn't bring himself to touch someone when they are in that state of mind, he felt as if he is committing a crime.

"Let's just throw that out of the window for now, this is for his own sake, we will apologize to him when he wakes up from this state but for now, just pretend that he is one of our mates and help him." Jin knows how dangerous it is, this might get them to jail, touching omegas in heat is a crime, depending on what the omega says, and it may lead to some problems with the boy, on his mental state, but he is willing to take the risk if it means helping the boy.

"But hyung....."

"You don't need to do much, just once or twice is enough, it will give me enough time to go fetch a couple sleeping pill from a pharmacy." Jin came to the conclusion, that the best way to help the boy other than do the obvious, which is....have se........x with him, is to make him sleep through out the first few days of his heat, when it's the hardest to control and if that doesn't work, he will take him to the hospital and work it out from there.

"Okay hyung."

"You know how to do it right?" Jin asked, trying to confirm that there is no need to calm the others for it, risk something bigger happening because of it.

"Of course, I have done it a couple of times for the others, this time, I will just pretend that I am helping my younger brother who doesn't know how to relieve himself." Hoseok said, trying to make the situation better in his head.

"Think of it as you want, I will go now, I will be back as soon as I can." Jin said, as he grabbed his wallet and car keys, then rushed outside of the room and closed the door shut.

"Take care." Hoseok said softly, turning around to look at the bathroom's door, telling himself that he has to do it, to help the omega, if not he will die and that got him going, he took a deep breath and walked to the bathroom.

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