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Yoongi slowly walked to the bushes and looked behind them, to see who it was and it turned out to be a little boy, hiding, with his eyes tightly shut, as he embraced himself.

He bent down to look at the child better and he immediately knew that it was Daniel, he knew him simply from his features so he picked up the little boy, who still didn't open his eyes and said: "Dani, what are you doing here?"

"Papa Yoonie!" Daniel exclaimed, opening his eyes widely and realizing that it was Yoongi who was carrying him and not a bodyguard, like he originally thought.

As he realized that information, he relaxed and then remembered it was Yoongi! He hugged him tightly and told him how much he missed him, Yoongi hugged him back and told him that he missed him as well.

"Now tell me, what were you doing? Hmm?" Yoongi asked and Daniel looked down, not wanting to talk until Yoongi told him that he will take him back home, to explain himself to his mother. Daniel looked at him and shook his head, he didn't want his mother to know he sneaked out, she will ground him for life if she knew, she already grounded him for a year, for leaving the school on his own, without any guards, which resulted in him getting kidnapped.

"I..... I wanted to look for the mister who saved me and thank him." Daniel told him a part of the truth, leaving out the part about him, going out to meet a friend of his, he met at the kindergarten, he didn't know what he will do if he told him so he just pretended that he didn't think about that part, when he was thinking about what to do, when he left his room, earlier this day.

He was able to sneak out, hours ago but didn't have the courage to leave and kept hiding in the bushes, afraid of someone seeing him and taking him back home, to be a prisoner again.

"Then I will help you." Yoongi said, with a smile Daniel never saw before. He walked up to the car, to the passenger's front seat and opened the door, putting Daniel down and telling him to look at the back. When he did, he was surprised to find the man who put a gun to his head and saved him at the same day, he was happy to see him, he was never able to thank him properly for his help and that's not appropriate behavior, because when someone does something for you, you have to at least say thank you and do something in return, that's what his mother taught him.

But the man was asleep now so he can't really thank him or give him anything, he hasn't even shopped for the gift yet, he wasn't expecting his meeting with his savior to be so short and so sleeping wise on his side, this meeting didn't come out as he imagined it to be ans that is unacceptable.

"Let's go back now." Yoongi said, as he tried to carry Daniel, who didn't want to ans held on tight to the seat, he wasn't willing to go back into that awful prison, he would rather stay on the streets and only eat ice cream from a truck!

"No! I don't.....I..I don't want to go back, I still haven't said thank you properly." Daniel was willing to break his promise with grandma, about behaving well in front of adults and listening to them under any circumstances, because it was an emergency! He can't do that right now, he wants to leave and go see his friend, or at least the road, he missed the feeling of being out, it felt so lonely being in that house all by himself and it's also scary.

His mother is rarely around and his babysitter and maid don't even play with him, they either touch their phones and go to the bathroom for hours, leaving him alone to play ball with the wall and create conversation, and a bit of a side note from Daniel: 'walls are hard to talk to!'

"I will say thank you to him in your place and even give him a gift, now let's.." Yoongi couldn't afford Mia getting mad at him, for letting her precious little diamond, who she locked up, out in the wild. That will either make her, a: freak her out, b: go out with a gun and hunt him down, c: calmly comes to take Daniel back home, d: let's Daniel go with him.

Well, c and d are just fantasies, b would probably the right option if she did found out, but she won't because he is bringing him back. Not really, because Daniel didn't want to move.

"But I want to go with you papa Yoonie." Daniel gave him the puppy eyes and Yoongi melted.

"That will make your mother worry, you should tell her and see what she says." Yoongi started considering, asking Mia if he could keep Daniel, until things are done with Roxanne and the matter is done, but Daniel, who didn't even know the issue, declined and started a tantrum.

"She won't agree! She won't even let me go to the bathroom by myself, after I got kidnapped, and she always throws my stuff and and....."


"No! I don't wanna! If you won't take me with you then I will just run away." Daniel threatened and Yoongi, finally agreed and got in the car as well, sending a message to Mia.

Yoongi: Please don't freak out but Daniel is with me, don't worry I am going to protect with my life, okay back to kidnapper style dialogue, if you want him back, you better settle things down with Roxanne.

Mimi: i hate you and if I find one scratch on his head or any part of his boy, I will personally murder you.

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