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"What?" Yoongi asked, shocked as everyone in the room, who didn't want to believe what he said, wanting it to be a joke, a really bad joke

"Are you serious?" Hoseok asked, a he crouched down in front of Jin, who was sitting on the couch with a smile, he nodded and Hoseok just fell to his knees in front of him.

"Why did you never tell us?" Jimin asked, as his tears started falling, not only from the fact that he was the cause of Taehyung and Jungkook's death possibly but also the fast that Jin might die in less than a year; is he going to lose everyone in his life?

"I didn't want to make you worried." Jin responded, making Namjoon with his answer, who immediately glared at him and argued with him, because of what he said.

"Did you think that we wouldn't know? What about the day you will die? Don't you think it will make us more devastated knowing that you didn't tell us?" Namjoon expressed his anger in a wrong way, screaming at Jin, who understood why he was like that and only said sorry.

While he said sorry, he regretted telling them, he was afraid of this, this reaction, it would have been better if he didn't blurt that out, but it came out before he could stop it and now, they are overreacting, at least he thinks they are, he is just going to die, what's so bad about that? He was sad that he won't be able to reach his forties or even mid thirties, but he accepted it, he lived enough and did what he wanted, and he wants to continue doing what he wants until the day, his heart stops beating.

In his mind, a voice was telling him that they are just acting in front of him, to make it seem like they care about him, but he knows they don't, they don't even like him, why would they? He doesn't talk to them, heck he doesn't even spend time with them, he doesn't even know their favorite activity is, he just knows their favorite meal, their names, their ages and their jobs.

But unknown to him, they did care, they knew him better than he thought and didn't want to lose him, he was an important piece of their puzzle, they needed him with him, who was going to nag them if he is not him? Who will cook them dinner while ordering them around to help but ending up doing everything on his own? Who are they going to ask advice from when they feel down? Who is going to scold Namjoon for breaking things if he is gone?

"No, I am sorry, I just got angry." Namjoon apologized to Jin, who just shrugged it off and told him not to worry about it.

"What do you think is the cause?" Jimin asked, as he wiped his tears with the hem of his shirt; Yoongi handed him a handkerchief while Jin was explained what was obvious already.

"My wolf, he wants us to die because I am not spending time with you all." Jin knew the reason but wasn't ready to commit to their relationship, he was way too awkward and embarrassed to ask them to spend time with him, when he was the one keeping himself away from two years, ever since they met, he never took the initiative to spend any time with them, if it wasn't necessary or didn't ask him first, so when he found out two weeks ago, he just decided to accept it and die, but they won't let him do that.

"Then spend time with us!" Hoseok exclaimed, holding Jin's hands and looking into his eyes, to see if he will agree or not and from the looks of it, he was hesitant.

"I am not sure if that will help since I already have cancer."

"We will see, we won't lose anything if we spend some time together, in fact, it will help us." Jimin added.

"Ok, thank you guys." Jin agreed, it will benefit him and maybe calm his wolf down, and make her go back on the decision to kill the both of them, she wasn't easy to please and really liked Namjoon's wolf the most, so he will try to spend at least an hour a day with him, to make her happy.

"By the way, do you know where Taehyung is?" Jimin asked, eager to know the answer, after they solved Jin's issue and that conversation ended, he thought about how Jin found out about Taehyung's disappearance and concluded that maybe he knows where he is, so he gathered the courage to ask.

"Yes, he is in a hospital in the sides of the city, I will pick him up from there tomorrow." Jin said, as the others were shocked by the news, they guesses the situation was bad but didn't think it was that bad, that he needed to go to the hospital, they looked for him everywhere and even told the police, but couldn't find him, so how was Jin able to find him so easily?

"Can't we go now? I am worried." Jimin said, he wanted to see how Taehyung was doing; she told him that she killed them but he was so glad that it wasn't true, he couldn't help but smile while the others struggled not show any sadness on their faces, he struggled to stay neutral and not let his happiness show, but was Jungkook as well? Were they both okay?

"No, we can't, but don't worry, he is in good hands and he is alright, Jungkook is as well."

After what Jin said, they were able to calm their urge to rush to the both of them, but they still couldn't understand why they can't go see them now, but seeing that Jin wasn't going to tell them, they didn't ask and decided to do what they thought was the best at the moment, shower Jin with love and decide on what to get for Taehyung and Jungkook when they visit them tomorrow.

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