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Cut back to present day, where Yoongi was picking up Jungkook and Jimin, along with Daniel, who was sitting in the backseat and enjoying his ice cream. When he saw Jimin, he greeted him with a big smile and then saw Jungkook, giving him a small audible hey, that made Jungkook aww and want to take Daniel home and raise him forever, ok that sounds more creepy when he thought about it.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?" Yoongi asked, as he walked out of the car. Jimin asked him to, so that while he puts the wheelchair in the trunk, Yoongi would carry Jungkook and out him on the front seat, while he goes and sits with Daniel.

"Aren't you supposed to be more careful with injured people?" Jungkook said, as he slightly moved in Yoongi's arms, to get more comfortable, even though the car was two seconds away from them.

"Be thankful I am carrying you." Yoongi commented, as he opened the car door and put Jungkook down, helping him get his legs inside and out his seatbelt on.

"Oh thank you so much my prince, I don't know what I would have done without you." Jungkook said sarcastically, slightly bowing down to Yoongi, who rolled his eyes and smiled a fake smile, playing along with Jungkook.

"No problem, princess. Just pay me next me." Yoongi said with a wink. He is been trying to be more friendly lately, not only with Hoseok but with the others too, because in normal situations, he would have slammed the door or said something hurtful to Jungkook, but he is trying to change that part of him, he is still going to keep his sassy personality. He will never get rid of that but he is trying to dial it down a bit.

"You wish." Jungkook said, giving Yoongi a small smile then slamming the door shut, while Yoongi chuckled and went back to the driver's seat.

"Where to?" Yoongi asked, before starting the car. He needed to know if the trip will take long, so that he can see if he should drop Daniel back home with Jin, where Mia will be coming in two hours or else, or take him with them.

"The zoo!" Jimin said excitedly. He hasn't been to a zoo in a very long time and wanted to see if they had any new animals; he wished Taehyung was with him, they always went to the zoo every month, as a date. They would spend the whole day together and at night, they would play video games till morning. But they haven't been to one, for almost three months now, because everything that happened lately, Jungkook appearance and the incident; plus Jungkook's mark is going to show soon so it made things really tense back home.

And with him, spending all of his days with Jungkook, he hasn't been able to check on Taehyung that much and with that being said, he noticed him sneaking out multiple times but never spoke up about it, because each time he returned, he looked happier than when he left. It made him sad than someone else was giving Taehyung the smile he used to give him, but he just glad he is happy and not as depressed as he was.

While Jimin was lost in thought, thinking about Taehyung and what he might be doing, Yoongi who was very calmly driving the car and very calmly said, with a very gentle voice: "Why?" He just wanted to know, nothing less nothing more, he was simply curious, but what he didn't know that, curiosity kills cats, and there was no bigger meow meow than him in the car, and unfortunately for him, Jungkook was mad at him.

"To..." Before Jimin could answer, but since Jungkook wasn't pleased with Yoongi, he didn't let Jimin respond and responded instead.

"Just drive the car, car driver." Jungkook said and Jimin just held Daniel close to him and told him to look in the other direction, because Jungkook looked angry and he have never seen him this angry before, it was just that one time when he was this angry, when he couldn't to buy him banana milk.

"Why so mean?" Yoongi simply said, taking the whole thing as a joke, when Jungkook was not, he was as serious as a dead horse.

"Ask yourself." Jungkook

"Is it because I haven't came by and given you banana milk? I said I am sor..." Yoongi

"Sorry won't do it! You promised to get me one everyday, you liar! Do you know how much I wanted for my banana milk? And how much I cried at night because I couldn't have it?" Jungkook

"Okay. You are getting dramatic and Jimin buys one everyday." Yoongi

"That's not enough." Jungkook said and angrily looked out of the window, while Yoongi just sighed and made himself a note to buy Jungkook a whole store's worth of banana milk, after all the omega was his love guru and helped through his dates with Hoseok and how to work out his relationship with the others, he can't afford to get him angry.

After that conversation, nobody spoke in the car and they all just listened to music, and Daniel talking about excited he was to meet monkeys and lions. Once they reached the zoo, Jimin left with Daniel, to go get tickets to get inside the zoo, leaving Yoongi and Jungkook by themselves.

And while Yoongi was being casual with Jungkook, the latter wasn't having any of it. It was true that it made him sad that he didn't get his banana milk but the fact that Yoongi haven't visited him in weeks and only called him to take advice from him, made him more sad and hurt, was he just a therapist/advice giver for Yoongi?

He started tearing up and he couldn't stop the tears from going down, and the sound was able to get out, as soon as they entered the zoo. Yoongi was pushing his chair behind him, but he didn't want him to hear him cry, so he screamed at Yoongi to stop pushing him, trying so hard to not make his voice sound broken and started pushing himself away.

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