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After his conversation ended with Yoongi, which took twenty minutes and plus the fifteen minutes Yoongi took to come to him, meaning he still has 25 minutes until he is supposed to meet Taehyung, because he did say half an hour or an hour, so it's alright if he went for a drive around Seoul for a couple of minutes right?

Well, turns out, it was not alright, he lost track of time and ended roaming around for almost an hour, not noticing the time or Taehyung calling him; so when he did find out, he speed up to their meet up stop and hoped for Taehyung to be there.

He was there, he was sitting on the side of the road, EarPods in his ears and a bag of chips in his hands, while he was staring at the passing cars, he didn't notice him; Jungkook quickly parked his bike and rushed to Taehyung, crouched down in front of him and bowed down his head, apologizing multiple times for being late and promising to make up to him.

Taehyung didn't respond to him at first, he only stared at him blankly, tempted to start screaming at him and make a fuss about his tardiness, but he decided not to because if he did, he is going to be alone and also, he is the one who suddenly suggested to spend time together, so it's kind of his fault; but all that aside, Jungkook is here now and he isn't alone, that's the most important thing in all of that. He smiled slightly and got up, Jungkook getting up as well, wondering what Taehyung is going to do, the latter held his hand and showed him a wide smile, that captured his heart, that he ended up nodding without thinking about Taehyung's words: "Then you will have to spend the whole day with me!"

Seeing Jungkook nodding, made Taehyung's smile become wider and excitedly drag Jungkook with hun, and when the latter asked where are they going, Taehyung replied with: "We will just walk and talk for now."

"I can't believe you are the same person who said he disliked me yesterday." Jungkook said, still not believing how kind Taehyung is acting right now, with a smile on his face and a bubbly aura surrounding him; is this the same person that almost chased him out of the house because he drank his soda?

"Don't hold it against me and I said I don't like you not that I disliked you, there is a difference and actually, I think I am starting to like you." Taehyung replied, a smile still present on his face; he regretted how he behaved before, he saw Jungkook as a threat, to how their relationship is going to be with him around, but their relationship is already falling apart and someone else joining in isn't going to change it; and Jungkook being an omega is something that doesn't bother him anymore, especially after what he saw yesterday, he is even more capable than most betas and even alphas, so maybe the second gender doesn't determine what type of person you are.

He has always thought that omegas are weak, seductive and like throwing themselves at alphas at any given time, to gain attention and money, but Jungkook isn't any of that, he found out that putting all omegas under one box with the same characteristics is wrong and so he wants to know more about them, by hanging with Jungkook and seeing how he is, and how different he is from his alpha and beta mates.

"Because I decided to hang out with you?" Jungkook asked, being surprised at how one decision made Taehyung change his behavior with him; but it actually wasn't just that decision, it was all of him, all what he did until now, that made Taehyung interested in him, he wanted to find out more about him.

"Yes, even after how bad I treated you in Jin-hyung's house, you came." Taehyung said, he held Jungkook's hand tighter, he hasn't let go ever since they started walking, Jungkook didn't mind much but the stared were made him more uncomfortable than the feeling of Taehyung's fingers being wrapped around his.

"I only came because you sounded pathetic." Jungkook said and it came out harsher that he thought it would but he couldn't find a better word and it was too late to try and use the word baby.

"I don't care about the reason, the fact that you came is enough for me to rethink everything I thought I knew about you." Taehyung was sure Jungkook was going to bail on him and after an hour and a half passed, he was more sure of that fact, but he chose to wait for him to show up, because his wolf told him to do so, being sure that he would show up.

"You are weird." Jungkook doesn't get how someone can be so different, it's like he was a completely different person from how he was this last week.

"I have been told many times, I have behavioral problems, really bad ones." Taehyung said, his smile turning from a happy one to a sad one and after Jungkook stared at him, he turned it to a fake one, to stop Jungkook from asking, but the latter didn't get the cue.

"Then why don't you go to a therapist?" Jungkook

"Because I don't want to be judged." Taehyung

"You aren't going to be judged, a therapist will help you get better, and make your real self show up. Honestly, I prefer the you right now, not the angry, agressive person you were before but I am guessing this is only temporary?" Jungkook

"I don't know, depends on the voices." Taehyung replied, adding more mystery to the whole thing and making Jungkook more curious about the whole thing.

"Voices?" Jungkook asked, but he didn't get a response from Taehyung, the latter didn't want to talk about it and Jungkook understood that so he quickly changed the subject: "Let's go get ice cream!"

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