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Everyone stared at Jungkook, who stopped cuddling the uncomfortable Hoseok, who was pretending to be okay with Jungkook leaning on him, when in fact he hated it because Jungkook is no longer a stranger, like he hoped he would stay as. Jungkook sat up to look at them as well; asking Jin one question: "How long will I have to wait to find out?"

"A month? It takes about a month for it to show up, so three weeks from now." Jin said, making everyone sigh and desperately hope for the days to go by quick, so that they could get rid of Jungkook and it was the same for the latter, he couldn't wait to get away from these creeps, except Hoseok, he likes him but he is unavailable so there is nothing he can do about it, other than stay close to him for as long as he can.

"I hate this." Taehyung said, sighing loudly and plopping on the clinch, near Hoseok, who quickly got up and went to the kitchen, to drink water and escape from the situation.

"Do you think I like it? Do you think it's pleasant to have six engraved initials on my neck? I can't even go out because of this." Jungkook complained, touching his neck, where the black like ink sat on his it, 18 letters were engraved, and I think we all now what those 18 letters are and everyone in the living room knew as well, but they ignored that and chose to think that it's merely a coincidence.

"It's all of our initials too." Taehyung said in a crying voice, it was hard to try and convince himself, Jungkook wasn't really his...their mate but he didn't want him to be so until the second part of the mark shows up, he is not going to think about the possibility of Jungkook being their mate.

"Maybe he is our mate....." Jimin whispered to himself, his eyes lingering on Jungkook, long enough for the latter to notice him and stare back at him with cold eyes, making Jimin shiver and avert his eyes from him.

"Even if I am, I am not staying with either of you." Jungkook said, not only for them, but him as well, telling himself that he can't stay, even if he likes Hoseok and would love to stay with him for as long as possible, he shouldn't, it will only destroy him and Hoseok doesn't seem to like him anyway, so why bother getting tangled up with these people?

"No, you have to; otherwise we will all die." Namjoon said, reminding them that the choice isn't theirs, but it goes back to their wolves, who will commit suicide if they don't have their mate beside them, which will also kill them in the matter of minutes.

"Ugh, can't we find an alternative? No offense but I don't like you." Taehyung said, expecting Jungkook to seem sad about it but he didn't, he hid it well.

"No offense taken, I don't like you either." Jungkook responded back, with an innocent smile and closed eyes, as if he just didn't make it more clear to them, that there is no future between them, and they liked that.

"We are going to wait for the second part of the mark to show up and if he is not our mate, we will have to find our real mate so we don't die, and if he is our mate, we will try to look for a way to stay alive and away from each other, because it's obvious that none of the two parties wants to be together, am I correct?" Jin said, looking at all of them individually and waiting for their response.

"Yes." Namjoon

"True." Jimin

"Hmm." Yoongi

"Absolutely." Taehyung

"Yeah." Jungkook

"Yes....." Hoseok responded hesitantly, when everyone's eyes fell on him.

"Then since we agreed on that, I am going to leave." Jungkook said, getting up from the couch and going to the stairs.

He wasn't planning on leaving yet but seeing how Hoseok got progressively uncomfortable and scared of him, it was his cue to leave and stop himself from getting attached to him. It was also a problem, that he didn't dislike Jin and Namjoon, in fact he found them nice and even started thinking about being with them, which is not a good sign, so he needs to run away as soon as he can.

"Where to?" Jin asked him, he was worried about Jungkook, he was his responsibility and he couldn't just leave him; his family trusted Jungkook to be fine on his own but he doesn't, with the week he spent taking care of him, he came to realize how reckless the youngest is, and he felt as if it was his purpose to take care of him and make sure he was alright.

"To a hotel, my cousin is expecting me to be there this evening." After he got his phone back, from Hoseok, who happened to pick it up, he got a call from Mark, his cousin, asking him where he was and telling him that his uncle and aunt went to the police to report him missing, but luckily, he got the call at the right moment and he was able to stop them and told them he met a friend and that his phone was off, so he couldn't answer, they believed him and told him to come meet them as soon as he can.

But when the day came, when he wore a turtleneck shirt and took two pills, he got a call from his uncle, telling him, they will have to leave Seoul, because his sister has fallen sick and needs him beside her, so he had to go but he couldn't leave Jungkook on his own and Jungkook couldn't leave Seoul, because if he does, he doesn't know when will he come back and how he will find his mates again, if those six were his mates.

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