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Their visit lasted for about two hours and for the second hour, Jin was absent, apparently he had some issues to deal with before he could get Taehyung and Jungkook in the hospital he was working at; but in fact he was takjing to Dr.Kim, explaining to him what happened, leaving some details out, that Jimin have told them about last night when he confessed to being the reason of what happened, since he doesn't want Jimin to suffer from Dr.Kim's reaction to his younger brother being in the hospital, because of one do his mates; he would kill him if he knew, or at least harm him in a way he would remember for life.

So what he told him was that Taehyung ran into a gang and they got angry at him for no reason, other than wanting to pick a fight with him because he looked weak and when he fought with them, they got more angry and pulled out guns, that's when Taehyung jumped in the water to save himself and the boy with him, was just a standby who got dragged into it and had to jump in the water with water, because the attackers thought they were together.

Dr.Kim believed him, he had no reason not to, but the part about Jungkook only being a standby was a bit unbelievable since his sources informed him that Taehyung spent a whole day with him, which was a bit disappointing to him, since he thought his little brother knew that he shouldn't be spending time with that kind of people (omegas) but maybe there was something more to it and he will eventually find out about it, be it from Jin or on his own.

He let him go and gave him orders to keep his eyes on Jungkook and inform him if anything happens between him and the others, Jin said he will; as he left the room, he stood by the door and let out a deep breath, his heart was about to stop inside there, he thought that Dr.Kim was going to expose him any second but luckily he didn't and he was able to get out of the room without losing his job or losing one of his mate's life, it was a huge success!

Jin smiled widely and walked excited to the room, but maybe he was a bit too excited, because when he entered the room, he had the urge to cough and when put his hand on his month for cough, he felt something wet on it and noticed something red.

'Shit.' He coughed out blood again while the others were a few meters away from him, his wolf must have not liked it when his heart started beating when Dr.Kim was starting at him, the blush must have been the thing that got her angry, he couldn't help it! The man was extremely handsome and sexy, he got even sexier when he was angry.

But anyways, he had no time to be angry at her for making him cough out blood, he needs to leave before anyone notices him, he doesn't want to become the center of attention or have to explain things to Taehyung, so he turned around to leave the room, but he was too late.

"Hyung! Can we leave?" Hoseok asked, since he wanted to go home and show Taehyung his new moves, that they were just talking about.

Jin quickly wiped his hand on the side of his shirt, knowing that the blood stains would be hidden with the jacket's help, he also wiped with the back of his other hand and turned back to look at them, not noticing the slight bit of blood he had on the corner of his lips.

He nodded with a smile and Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin cheered excited to spend time together, while Yoongi and Namjoon just smiled and started to gather the gifts they got, Jin helped them, the others helped as well, while Mark kept talking to Jungkook and asked him if he was going to keep meeting with them after what happened.

"I have to." Jungkook responded, knowing that he had to be with them until he can find out if he was their mate or not; he didn't want to spend any other moment with them, especially Taehyung and Jimin, he can't sleep because of them, because of the nightmares he was getting about the accident mixed up with his childhood drama, and he also had six holes in his back, that was kind on him too, since he protected Taehyung unconsciously; he will endure the want to punch them and himself for now and stay around them.

"Mark, come here for a second." Namjoon said and Mark annoyedly got up from beside Namjoon, to go help get the things back in the car and to get Jungkook a wheelchair to leave the hospital.

"Can you hold him for a second?" Taehyung asked, holding his now dog who he named Yeontan in front of Jungkook, who didn't even say before Taehyung gave him the dog and ran out of the room, to go see if what he saw outside of the window was real or not.

"Hi, little guy, you are really cute." Jungkook said, as he put Yeontan on his lap and let him do what he wants while he watched him and cooed at his actions.

"Are you ready to go?" Jin asked, entering the room all by himself, seeing as the others were in the car and Mark was far away behind him with a wheelchair for Jungkook; who nodded to confirm that he indeed was ready to get unglued to this bed.

"Where is Taehyung?"

"I don't know, he suddenly left after giving me his dog." Jungkook said and Jin nodded, wondering where that troublemaker went, leaving his small cute pet alone, he haven't grabbed him yet, so why not try now since no one was here, nobody will judge if he suddenly just started to talk in baby voice and act like a weirdo because of an animal, well actually Jungkook will but he is alright with just one person doing so he is going to hold him.

And when Jin bent down to grab Yeontan, his face got closer to Jungkook's, who noticed some blood on Jin's lips.

"Are you a vampire?"

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