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Is it wrong to spy on someone and listen to their conversation? Of course, it is, but did Jungkook do it? Yes, he did, his curiosity got the best of him and since he wasn't Yoongi, he knew he wasn't going to die because of his curiosity, so he followed the both of them to Jim's office and watched them get in, then approached the office and put his ear on the door, while the passerby's wondered if they should do something or let him.

Nobody bothered with him, not the patients, who were too busy with their lives or the workers, who knew who he was and didn't want to get scolded by any hire ups, for any wrong doings. Back to Jungkook, who busted in the room, when he started hearing screams and his name being mentioned.

The two were shocked to see him but he quickly got in the room and closed the room behind him, telling them that their yelling was reaching the end of hall, which could be true, he wouldn't know since he was at the door when he heard them, but they got the point, they were being loud.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked, as both of them stared at anything but him, not wanting to say anything to upset him. "Are you going to talk or should I go get myself some tea and wait for you two to say something?"

"Jungkook, it's between us." Namjoon didn't want to involve Jungkook in the issue, it was about Jin not accepting him and it would most likely hurt him to hear about someone not wanting to be with him, it will make him insecure and doubt himself, or at least that's what he would feel if that happened to him, well not Jungkook.

"I heard my name so it must be about me as well." Jungkook argued and with that, he decided to tell him what they were talking about, not being able to take it on his own anymore.

"I will tell him." Jin informed Namjoon and then walked to Jungkook and stood right in front him and said: "I don't want you."

"Me neither, what's the big deal?" Jungkook said simply, not effected by Jin's words one bit, because he knew that and accepted it.

He accepted that Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok don't really want him, but Jin was the only one which hold say it out loud because the others were too anxious to do so, Namjoon didn't want to break his heart and Hoseok didn't know how to refuse, it's complicated things like this that he doesn't like about them, their inability to be honest, their ability to just go with the flow even if it meant hurting themselves and him at the same time.

He didn't know if they others thought he was dumb or that he couldn't read signals or body language, at least they should consider his wolf's existence, even his wolf could feel their unwillingness to be with him, unlike the other three, who genuinely wanted a future with him. He felt bad for them, because that would never happen, not with the even spilt with who wants him and who doesn't.

As much as he would love to spend time with them, he wasn't ready for the mess that comes with it, unless they fix themselves and accept him, which doesn't seem to be going to happen anytime soon, so they are better off without him and that exactly what Jin thought as well.

"Well, explain that to him, Namjoon is trying to make me accept you, when I don't want to, is it my fault that I don't want any more trouble?" Jin said in frustration, hating the fact that everyone was making him to be the villain in the story, when he just wants to only deal with what he has in his hands right now, the five he has with him are far more than enough.

It wasn't about him hating Jungkook or disliking anything about him, it was him not wanting to get anyone else in the mess of a relationship they have right now, maybe when they are better partners but not now.

"No, not at all, it's a shame that in our world there is no, no, but since you already have five other mates, I think you will be fine and Namjoon, why are you forcing him to accept me?" Jungkook wasn't happy with what Namjoon was doing, rather than helping him, it's making him seem desperate and pathetic, and he doesn't want that to be his legacy.

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