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Jungkook was sitting on his hospital bed, flipping through channels on the TV, trying to find something to watch but not finding anything interesting enough to watch, if he knew he was going to spend his holiday on a hospital bed, he would have downloaded a movie or two. But he could have never guessed that after meeting up with six people, his life was going to change so much.

Well at least, he got a new motorcycle, even though he loved his original one, it was getting old and rusty, he was going to sell it and buy another one soon enough, but since it got stolen, Namjoon bought him a new one, of his own choice and he really likes it; the old one will always stay in his heart though, it was his first love and it will always stay like that.

"I bought you chips!" Jimin said in a cheerful voice, busting in the room, much to his satisfaction and happiness, he was waiting for him, he was actually a bit late today but he could forgive him for that, after all, he got a lot of snacks for the both of them and that's enough to make him forgive him all day.

Jimin have been visiting him since day one and they spent all the time talking; on the first day, Jimin explained to him what happened, he didn't get the full thing but understood that Jimin did the right thing and was just misunderstood, so he forgive him and didn't hold any grudge for the injuries he got; it was kind of a bummer that he won't be able to spend his holiday like he hoped, exploring the city and merging people, but Jimin promised he is going to spend time with him and wouldn't let him get bored, so it wasn't so bad.

He liked the guy, he was nice and funny, he had a wonderful time spending his days with him. Taehyung came too, occasionally, but whenever he came, he would have a forced smile on and would stay quiet, he was unlike the person he knew that day, it was obvious to everyone that he wasn't having the best days and he didn't force him to talk or do anything, he was just glad that he came to visit him, even though he wasn't feeling too well, it meant a lot to him.

"Do you want to sneak out?" Jimin asked him, as he was lost in thought, thinking about his uncle and how he will explain to him what happened, when he comes back to Seoul, that is going to be a hell of an awkward conversation, but let's put behind us now and focus on what Jimin said.

"Can we?" Jungkook

"Not really but we are going to do it anyway, you are sick of sitting here all day, right?" Jimin

"Each second, I am losing the feeling of my butt lately." Jungkook

"Then we are going to remind you of it. Wait here, you can't move, what am I saying, anyway, I am leaving for two minutes and I will be back." Jimin left the room in a rush, to go grab Jungkook a wheelchair so they could leave.

When he came back, Jungkook was drinking his last banana milkshake and was glad that Jimin came back, since he ran out of banana milkshake and had nothing else to do, other than stare out of the window. He let Jimin carry him to the wheelchair, not wanting to make any effort to sit on his own; Jimin gave him his hat, to cover his face and his jackets to hide the hospital clothes.

Jimin looked out of the door, to see if anyone was around, but lucky for them, Jin gave him a room at the end of the hall, where no one came so they could leave without anyone noticing. They were able to leave, but not before being stopped by a nurse, who asked them who allowed them to leave, they told that her they were dismissed from the hospital by Doctor Kim Seokjin and she let them go after confirming their identity, Jimin being Jin's mate, how did he prove that, don't ask me, just imagine that he showed her a photo or something, or simply a passerby employee, confirmed that he was Jin's mate.

"Where do you want to go?" Jimin asked Jungkook, as they were out of the hospital and walking on the side of the road, or more like Jimin walking and pushing Jungkook, who made a hard thinking face and said: "The zoo!"

"The zoo it is, should we grab a taxi, no wait, I am going to call Yoongi." Jimin said, grabbing his phone and calling Yoongi, telling him to pick him up, while Jungkook stared out into the distance, like he has been doing this whole month, but this time, it was a bit different, because someone was staring back at him!

It was a girl who was wearing a high school uniform, she kept looking at him and even when he looked away and looked back, she was still staring at him, so he kept staring at her and at one point, he waved at her and she suddenly blushed, then walked away or rather run away, and ended running into a pole and falling to the ground, he wanted to go and help her but he couldn't walk and Jimin was talking on the phone, so he just stared at her until she looked back, he gestured to her if she was okay, she nodded with a blush, that was redder than the mark on her forehead.

After a few seconds, of massaging her forehead, she got up and bowed down to him, before running away again and since he didn't want her to face the same accident again, he screamed: "Don't run!" He didn't know if she was going to hear him but after she slowed down, he guessed that she did.

'Cute.' That was the last thought he had before Jimin started pushing the wheelchair again.

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