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Before leaving the city, Jungkook passed by the supermarket and bought himself a couple of snacks and banana milk, so that he doesn't get hungry on the road, but unfortunately the snacks won't be enough to please his stomach and he will have to stop by Yangju, to eat some McDonald's and he will meet his six mates there; did I just say that? Just pretend I didn't, anyway, back to Jungkook, who was listening to music and driving away from his hometown.

After two hours of driving, stopping by every now and then for the restroom and the food, Jungkook couldn't hold back the urge anymore, the urge to get a burger and stuff his face with fries, so he decided to notify his uncle about it, that he will be stopping by Yangju to get food and that he will meet them in the hotel, instead of the restaurant they previously agreed on, meeting at, to dine in and relax.

As Jungkook pulled over at McDonald's, he made the choice to sit there and eat, and called his uncle to tell him about it.

"Do you have money on you? Should I come back to give you some?" His uncle asked him, since he knows Jungkook's hands are really loose and he loses money in a heartbeat, wherever be it, spending it on himself or someone else.

"Don't worry, I have my own money uncle." Jungkook said, entering the fast-food restaurant, that was packed with people, left and right.

"Okay, we are only half an hour away from Seoul, I will leave the key to your leave with the receptionist." His uncle informed him, in a rather soft tone, which was quite surprising for Jungkook.

His uncle didn't like changing plans, he was a strict person who liked following the rules and calculating every step he takes, telling his family to do the same, it was rather suffocating to be around his uncle at times, but eventually he got used to it and tried to please his uncle as much as he could; this time though he couldn't and he was ready to be yelled at but that didn't happen, because his uncle knows but is not something Jungkook can control, so he let this one slide.

"Ok, thanks; and sorry I didn't stick to the plan and please don't tell aunt that I am eating McDonald's." Jungkook requested, knowing that his aunt will shower him with complaints if she knows about it.

"Well, you are on speaker so she heard you." His uncle said, then prepared his ears for the high pitched voice.

"Jeon Jungkook! What did I tell you about that poisonous food? You are going to get sick!" His aunt screamed in the car, waking up her two daughters, as if Jungkook was right in front of her and not in a restaurant, moving the phone away from his ear.

"I will be okay auntie, I am just getting a burger because I am really hungry." Jungkook

"What about the sandwiches I packed for you?" Aunt

"I forgot to take them." Jungkook said, even though that was a complete lie, he gave them to a homeless man on the side of the road, but his aunt will scold him if she knows so he lied.

"Fine, but promise me, you won't get the chicken nuggets, the last time you ate it you got a stomachache." His aunt warned him, not wanting him to end up puking again and suffering for a whole week, for two pieces of fake chicken.

"I promise, I have to hang up now, I am next to order." Jungkook said, hanging up the phone after saying goodbye to his aunt.

After getting his tray of food, Jungkook wondered around for a bit, until he found a spot and sat down, to enjoy his meal; that was until, his eyes landed on a guy with silver hair and a smile, brighter than the sunshine.

It was weird, he couldn't take his eyes off the man, even when their eyes met, they kept staring at each other, not moving their eyes away from each other, as if they would die if they did; it lasted for two minutes but Jungkook felt as if it was two seconds, and it would have became three, if not for his face becoming red and his heart beating faster than light speed, he would have kept staring at the guy, but he had to go, because it was happening, HIS HEAT WAS HAPPENING.

Jungkook rushed to the bathroom, leaving his phone and wallet on the table, not thinking about anything else but to relieve himself; he also failing to notice the guy following him to the bathroom.

While Jungkook was busy figuring out what to do, he heard a knock on the door and someone asking if he was okay; Jungkook couldn't answer but he knows his voice will be not the same as always and it will sound as if he was moaning, so he didn't speak and tried to calm himself down.

"I am coming in!" The person informed him, as he opened the door with force, fearing for the person inside the stall, that he was harmed or suffering for a problem, because of the way he rushed to the bathroom and the way he looked; he knew it wasn't his place to do something like this, but he couldn't help himself, he felt as if the person needed and indeed they did.

For the better or the worst, Jungkook couldn't stop the door from opening, the only thing he could do was stay sited and try not to drown in his sweat, while also trying to open his shirt, but not succeeding because of how weak he was.

"No....." Jungkook struggled to keep his eyes open, seeing someone with a white shirt entering and asking him about his condition, then suddenly feeling a sharp pain in his neck before collapsing and losing his consciousness.

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