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For the rest of that day, Hoseok and Namjoon stayed with Jin, while Jimin and Yoongi were out trying to figure out what to get to the boys in the hospital.

"Should we get him red flowers or yellow ones?" Yoongi asked, staring at the flowers in front of him, while Jimin was looking at purple ones.

"Let's get them both, along with these, Taehyung is going to love them." Jimin expressed with a smile, excited to see his best friend tomorrow; they were at their last destination before heading back home, they already both them fruits, gifts and their favorite thing, Jungkook, a banana milk and Taehyung, a puppy, he has been asking for one for months and they figured why not get him one now?

They felt bad for getting Jungkook just a milkshake, they bought ten but that was still too little, so they planned on asking if he did like them giving him a new motorcycle or upgrade the one he had (spoiler alert, he doesn't have it anymore, they stole it the night he and Taehyung jumped).

When the moment came and they stood in front of the door, they were all nervous to get in, so a nurse had to make the first step and open the door for them, but maybe that was a bad choice, because inside, Jungkook was pinned by Taehyung, who had no shirt on and was trying to get Jungkook's shirt off, getting to his waist but stopping when he heard some noise.

Once they heard the door open, they both turned to look at the door, Taehyung's face immediately brightened and he got off Jungkook and ran to Jin, hugging him tightly and then moving on to Hoseok, then Namjoon then Yoongi and lastly Jimin, who didn't let go of the hug and whispered sorry multiple times, his tears falling uncontrollably, Taehyung patted him on the back and told him it was okay.

The nurse left, to give them some privacy, they all got in the room and sat on Taehyung's bed, while he was embracing Jimin, seemingly not letting go anytime soon, they let them have their moment, as they checked on Jungkook and gave him what they got for them.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok's asked, seeing Jungkook's bandage on his whole upper body, from his neck and the exposed part of his back, Jungkook fixed himself and nodded, telling them that he wasn't suffering from anything, Taehyung immediately calling bullshit.

"He is lying, he was crying all night from the pain, it's all my fault, he protected me." Taehyung felt guilty when he heard the nurse and doctor say that Jungkook got shot two times in the back and one in his leg, it was a miracle he survived, but even after he survived, the suffering didn't end, he couldn't sleep at night, each time he moved in his sleep, he would wake up or his wound would slightly open or hurt him, to the point where he cried, not only from the pain but also from the frustration.

He was so frustrated because he couldn't sleep, he told Taehyung that he was so tired and wanted to close his eyes for more than twenty minutes and stay asleep, Taehyung couldn't help him in any way, not when the doctors themselves couldn't, so he just pushed his bed closer to Jungkook's and sang to him all night, he also apologized but Jungkook kept claiming that it wasn't his fault.

"I didn't do anything, I just have bad luck." Jungkook said in a calm tone, avoiding looking in Taehyung's eyes, knowing that Taehyung was looking angry right now.

"Yeah back luck that made you hug me and protect my body when they were shooting us, such bad luck you have." Taehyung said sarcastically, while the others looked at Jungkook with fascination, just how good of a person is he?

"I am going to kill her." Jimin whispered to himself looking at the ground, Yoongi heard him and held his hand, making him look at him, when he did, Yoongi coldly looked at him and whispered in his ears: "You will not, we will deal with this together, don't you dare anything on your own."

"But..." Jimin was about to protest, since it was all his fault, he wanted to deal it on his own, but seeing Yoongi glaring at him, he changed his mind and decided to do as Yoongi said.

"Go back to your bed, Taehyhng." Jin said, not wanting Taehyung to stay standing around while he just survived from a gang attack and drowning; he didn't that Taehyung wanted to show Jungkook how angry he is with him, by glaring and taking his milkshakes away from him, each time he tried to drink one, he needed to rest.

"Ok, Doctor." Taehyung said with a pout, taking a banana milkshake with him, much to Jungkook's disappointment, who was very excited to drink all of those milkshake through out his stay in the hospital, because the doctors said that he needs to stay for at least a two weeks, before he can go back home, under supervision.

"You guys said two minutes and it's been ten, so I brought him." Mark said, entering the room with a puppy in hand, surprising Taehyung who looked at him with shining eyes, tempted to get up and pet the cute black and tan Pomeranian in his hands, but Jin's look stopped him.

Namjoon walked to Mark and took the puppy from him, to take his to Taehyung, while he (Mark) went to Jungkook and hugged him, asking him about his whereabouts and his overall state, Jungkook complained to him about how horrible his state is and how so not okay he was, he showed a complete difference side of him to Mark, his cousin and the only person in the room, who he knew for years.

He was happy to see him, even if he didn't have five hot boyfriend who cared about him, he had one nice cousin who did and came to see him, who needs boyfriends anyway, he wasn't jealous seeing them laugh and flirt and play with the cute dog, he is not jealous and that's a fact, a wrong one.

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