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It was unfair for him to keep them around him when they did not want to, with that in mind, Namjoon told Jungkook and Jin that he had a way for them to go back, they enthusiastically asked what it was and he explained to them, that every boat had a flare gun, in case of emergencies, so this boat must have one and they just need to find to be able to go back.

After hearing that, Jin started to eagerly look for the flare gun, in every cabinet and every drawer he would see, while Jungkook was looking around him, he couldn't walk or move that much but he wanted to move as much as he could.

Namjoon was the one who found it, in a box and handed it to Jin, not trusting himself to do it, Jin wasn't sure what to either, he pointed to the sky and fired, then hoped for someone to come and get them.

They waited patiently in the boat, not saying anything at first and simply looking at the sky, until Jungkook asked them how they met each other, trying to start a conversation, he didn't like the awkward silence and preferred hearing people talking.

Jin was the one who answered, telling Jungkook that they met in a gas station, where Namjoon was working when he runs away from his house and trying to survive on his own, which he didn't succeed in doing.

"Hey, that's rude, I was trying," Namjoon said, he stopped Jin from continuing the story, being a bit offended by the way Jin worded it.

He indeed failed in trying to survive on his own, he was miserable in those days, he was living in one room, with one meal a day and not being able to buy even one book, his only entertainment in that time, was watching people from the video cameras they had in the store.

That was how his obsession with watching people started, that was his only enjoyment because he had no friends at that time, all the friends, he thought he had turned his back on him, once he told them about his plans to be independent, he had no one but himself, until Jin walked in his life.

He remembers that day, it was a night he never expected to have, Jin was filling his car with gas and he was cleaning the area, when Jin suddenly asked if they packaged meals in the store, he answered yes and asked if he wanted him to heat him one, Jin answered he wanted two and later asked him to eat with him in his car and that's how their relationship started.

And when he finally thought that his life was turning to what he wanted it to be, he had a friend and found a better job, he got a call from his dad, who tracked him down and wanted him back.

"You came back to your parent's house in the end, didn't you?" Jin added and Namjoon sighed as he nodded.

"Yeah, because my mom was threatening to jump from a bridge if I didn't, remember?" Namjoon said, making Jungkook have a horrified look on his face, which Namjoon understood, he had the same one when his father told him about it.

It was scary knowing that his mother was going that far to keep him by her side and never let him escape, he did come back after that and never attempted to leave again, scared of what his mother might do if he did go and lose contact with them again, but much to his mother's chagrin, he came back with someone and that someone was Jin, who his mother disliked very much and the feeling was mutual between her and Jin.

"I remember and I also remember why I don't like her, that woman has problems," Jin said and Namjoon glared at him for it.

"Don't talk about my mother in that way, she is a nice woman." Namjoon wasn't pleased with the way Jin talked about his mother, ever, or the way, his mother talked to Jin, they both had a certain type of hatred they shared and there was always a sort of passive-aggressiveness hen they met, be it his mother insulting Jin's way of handling his relationship, or Jin shaming his mother for the way she got Namjoon back home.

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