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I couldn't hold the urge anymore, I need to write for this story or I will go crazy

So here you go, this is for me to be honest but I hope you enjoy it

Driving around in the city, in his motorcycle, was something our protagonist liked to do, feeling the air hitting his face and seeing the beautiful view, made him feel alive and free like a bird; that's why he goes out, a lot, he would ride it every chance he gets, he was known in his city because of it, if you hear a motor's engine, then Jeon Jungkook must be around.

Today was no different, he was driving to his friends house, to take her to school, like he does every morning, the only difference today was that he wasn't going in school with her, once he drops her off, he is going to drive off somewhere else.

"I am here, kookie!" His friend, Amy said, walking out of her house, saying goodbye to her parents and running to Jungkook, who was standing by his motorcycle and scrolling through his phone.

"You don't have to rush, we are still early." Jungkook told her, as she stood in front of him, then took the helmet out of the bike and quickly wore it.

"I know but Yugyeom is waiting for us." Amy said, as she strapped the helmet and sat on the back, urging Jungkook to do the same.

"What? Why? I thought he wanted to go on the bus?" Jungkook was shocked, since Yugyeom didn't like bikes at all, and he wouldn't accept a ride from him at all, no matter how hard he tried, he always preferred the bus, for two reasons, it's safe and his crush is on it; he doesn't believe the first reason but he told Yugyeom he does.

"He told me fifteen minutes ago that he wanted us to pick him up as well, since it's your last day with us." Amy said, she was surprised as well when she got the text from Yugyeom, it was a last minute thing and he was about to call it off, because he got embarrassed but she didn't let him, they will spend the most of their time together while they can.

"It's not like I am never coming back, it's just a couple of months." Jungkook chuckled slightly, as he put his helmet on, getting on the bike and starting, thinking of how tsunedere Yugyeom is, he would have never guessed that the boy who always acted tough and strong, would be such a softie.

"Still, we will miss you." Amy said, hugging Jungkook from the back, as he started moving; they have never been separated for more than two days, ever the three of them became best friends, five years ago, so this was going to be hard for them; who is she going to buy banana milk for if there is no Jungkook? Whose cheeks is she going to squish when he is gone? High school is going to become a nightmare.

"You are acting as if I am never coming back, or leaving for years." Jungkook said it in a joking tone, not realizing that what he said is true, not now, but soon enough it will, if it's not for this trip then the next one.

Jungkook pulled over to Yugyeom's house, and was about to text him to tell him he is outside, when he saw his walk out of his home, with his backpack on, looking shyly at the ground, feeling embarrassed for asking for a ride, when he always refused it; he just wanted to spend more time with Jungkook before he goes.

"You are creeping me out dude, please stop." Amy said, looking at her friend disgusted, because of the way he was acting, it was just a ride.

"Shut up, Amy. Can't you just leave me be?" Yugyeom said, looking offended, while Jungkook was holding his laughter, those two really loved bickering, if he didn't know better, he would have guessed they hated each other but he knows, it's just the way they show their love to each other.

"You want to be a shy person? I will support you but I don't think it suits you that well." Amy said sarcastically, with a mocking smile, irritating Yugyeom even more.

"I hate you." Yugyeom said with a smile and Amy returned the smile along with a kiss and a wink, saying: "The feeling is mutual."

"Okay, you two, enough chitchatting, we need to go, the others already left the city and I have to catch up to them." Jungkook told them, after seeing the text he got from his cousin, telling him they were out of the city.

"Where is he going to sit?" Amy asked, seeing that there is no place on the bike.

"Here." Jungkook said, patting the front where he left a tiny place for Yugyeom to sit.

"But I want to sit next to you." Yugyeom said, with a pout.

"Me too." Amy said, with a pout as well, looking at Jungkook with puppy eyes as Yugyeom did as well.

"But I have to drive." Jungkook couldn't resist his friends's puppy eyes, it always works in him, whenever they ask him to copy his homework or when they ask him to tell him what was bothering him.

"It's okay, I will drive, you sit in the middle." Amy suggested.


"We are late, aren't we? We have to go." Amy said, getting up and smiling at Jungkook while she took his place in the front and pushed him to the middle, as Yugyeom sat down and tried not to fall off the bike, by holding on to Jungkook.

"Wait, I just remembered, Amy is a terrible driver." Yugyeom said, the realization hitting him way too late, and while he and Jungkook looked at each other horrified, Amy smirked.

"Too late!" Amy said, going off in a very high speed, scaring Jungkook and Yugyeom shitless, making them pray for their lives while holding on to dear life.

That's all I got for now, I hope you like it, it's just a small introduction

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