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I fell asleep yesterday before I could update, sorry about that

Jin was sitting on the couch, nervously shaking his leg and waiting for the others to arrive; when they did arrive, he saw their guilty expressions and guessed that they know what he called them here for.

"When were you going to tell me about Taehyung's disappearance?" Jin asked, getting up from the couch and glaring at the four of them, while they walked inside with a anxious expression, with Jimin having the worse one, he was looking down, so that nobody could see his teary eyes and quivering lips.

Hoseok was about to start talking, as the closest one to Jin, to try and calm him down and explain the situation to him, but as soon as he started talking, Jin harshly looked it at him and made it harder to speak for him, so Namjoon took the issue in his hands.

"It's okay Hoseok, I will do the talking. We did call you but you didn't pick up so we assumed that you are busy." Namjoon explained calmly, but Jin didn't accept that explanation and he got even angrier.

"You could have come to the hospital!" Jin wasn't satisfied with the answer, he can lose everything if something happens to Taehyung, he can lose his job, his life and them, they will all be gone if something wrong happens to Taehyung.

"Remember what happened the last time we did? And why are we the ones who have to tell you? Why can't you know by yourself? Oh I know because you are too busy burying yourself in your work and avoiding us."

Each one of them found on his own, he knew when he sent Taehyung a message three days ago at night, telling him if he wanted to go out together, when he didn't get a reply, he asked Jimin about it and he told him that he haven't answered as well; for Hoseok and Yoongi, they both visited his apartment, on the same day, to ask if he wanted to join in their dance practice and when they didn't find him, they contacted Jimin and Namjoon.

And they all met up later that day, to look for him, they called him and asked everyone that knew him if they knew where he was, they even called Jungkook but he didn't respond either, so they went to his hotel, Yoongi and Jimin went there and asked for him, but the one who came to see them was his cousin, who told them, Jungkook have not came back ever since he left with Taehyung, which means something happened to both of them.

Hearing that, Jimin's heart sunk in and he started feeling even more guilty, he excused himself and left Yoongi and Mark alone, while he went to cry in the car, blaming himself for everything that was happening, if he just did the job right, none of this would have happened, if he just killed the kid and didn't hesitate and let him go, his mates (one certain and the other in doubt) would have been beside him now.

Jimin stopped crying when Yoongi got in the car, and when he asked him what was wrong, he just said that there was something in his eye, Yoongi believed him at the time, but seeing his eyes teared while Namjoon and Jin were arguing, made him think that it isn't something that was stuck in his eyes.

"I am not avoiding any of you! Unlike you I have obligations and not just inherited my job." Jin said in an angry voice, meaning to insult Namjoon, who inherited his business from his parents, who left his four companies under his command before leaving to go around the world.

"Oh please, we are all busy and even if I inherited my business, it's not going to continue succeeding on it's own, I work to make it work it. And let's get real for a second here, your job isn't the thing keeping you away from us, you are, I know doctors and I talk to your coworkers, you stay there by choice, you don't want to be with us, you don't want to get involved with us, just say it." Namjoon said, angrily glaring at Jin, who got sick of pretending and straight said what everyone was fearing he would say, the thing that they all think but don't dare to talk about it.

"Yes I don't want to be with you! I don't like any of you! Why am I forced to stay with all of you when none of us love each other? Why can't I choose the one I want to be with?" Jin, like every one of them, liked someone before founding out he had mates, on the day he found out, he was on a date with his lover at the time, and his lover left him when he found about him having mates, one mate in particular, and that made Jin hate their relationship and dislike them, because he really loved his lover and saw a future with them, but it was all destroyed in seconds.

"Don't you think all of us have the same thoughts? Can't you see how we all struggle to like each other? But we are trying, unlike you! We are trying to work this out because if we don't, we will die!" Namjoon didn't like their relationship and didn't like them that much either, but he knew, if he stayed away from them for longer than a month, he will die, his wolf will kill himself and that will kill him as well.

They were in a forced relationship, that none of them wanted, everyone was the same in this world, some of them lived with it and accepted it, while others chose to fight it, and most of them died because of it, it's the nature of their world and they have to go with the flow or die struggling to fight it.

"I know that....." Jin said in a low voice, he knew that better than anyone in the room, because he.....

"Then try! Try to work this out and stop ignoring us! Don't think that by spending an hour a week with us, your wolf won't kill itself, if you continue like this, you are going to suffer." Namjoon exclaimed, he didn't want any of them to suffer because of their stupid wolves, who couldn't stay away from each other for longer than a month and would commit suicide if they didn't feel each other.

"I am already suffering, I have cancer and I will probably die in a year."

I am making the story more complicated than I thought I would and I don't know if I should continue in this direction or change it, help

Without youOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora