41. The Peoples' Demand

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"She will stay in my cabin," he announced. "I will not see an innocent harmed or tortured. We have no quarrel with her."

"I do," Ebner snapped.

"Your personal matters can wait!" The male's voice shifted to a menacing rumble. "She is right. If Wynter arrives and sees that she has been harmed, we will all perish. If we are to accomplish our goals, she must remain unharmed. Go. Send the summons." He grabbed Elodie's arm. "You will come with me."

That was the last thing Elodie wanted to do, but she supposed it might be better than being stuck with her uncle or Julian. She relented and followed the male across the clearing. He let go of her when they reached one of the cabins. He held open the door and she entered.

It was a struggle to hide her shivering, but Elodie was determined to try. She didn't want this male to see more of her weaknesses than he already had. She drifted further into the cabin, searching for possible exits. There were several windows, but they appeared to be latched shut from the outside.

"Have a seat," the male said, gesturing to two chairs near the fireplace.

Elodie obeyed and clasped her shaking hands together. All was silent, save for the clatter of something in the kitchen. "What do you want with Wynter?" She asked when the male finally returned.

"I want to know the truth," he replied. "Is he a coward, or is he a hero?" He set a tray down on the table in between the two chairs. He filled one mug with an unfamiliar steaming liquid and offered it to Elodie.

She wrinkled her nose and eyed the liquid warily. "What is it?" It smelled bitter. Hadn't she read somewhere that most poisons left behind bitter scents, if they left any scent at all?

"Coffee," he replied. "You look like more of a tea drinker, but I don't have any." Her disbelief must have been evident, because he added, "Don't worry. It's not poison."

"I'm not sure I believe you."

He sighed and swiped her mug, taking a sip of the liquid. A few minutes passed, and he did not die. He handed her the mug again. Elodie still didn't drink. The male sat down beside her. "My name is Donn. I apologize for the roughness Julian and your uncle showed you."

"I'm used to it."

"I wish I could say I'm surprised."

Elodie watched as Donn filled a cup of coffee for himself and began to drink. She bit her lip, then took a hesitant sip of her own. The liquid was bitter, but warm. She grimaced and drank some more. At last she couldn't bear the silence.

"Wynter is no coward, and the way you people treat him is disgusting," she hissed.

"I'll admit, he is called some very ugly names," Donn replied.

"All he ever did was try to protect his Court and his friends, and what thanks has he gotten?"

"I told you I wanted to find out the truth, did I not? Why don't you tell me what really happened?"

"I don't even know the full story."

"Then tell me what you do know."

Elodie gazed at the crackling flames on the hearth. "What will you do to him when he comes for me?"

When, not if. Because despite everything that had happened, Elodie knew he would come. He wouldn't be able to stay away. He lived to help people, no matter who they were. It was one of the things she loved about him, even though that was why they were in this mess in the first place.

"Your uncle and his supporters want Wynter dead, so there is no chance of him ever becoming High Lord. I want to establish the truth and make a decision based off of it. No harm will come to either of you until the truth is known. You have an opportunity to influence my future decision now. I suggest you take it."

"Everything he did was to protect others," Elodie began. "And everything he has done since then has only reflected that desire. Wynter is brave and selfless and kind. You have no idea what he has suffered. No one really does. Not even me."

"That Witch, Melantha... She was a different kind of monster. A monster he faced every day for weeks so that no one else had to. A monster who hurt him so badly that he no longer believes himself worthy of anything. Not even life."

Tears smarted beneath her eyelashes. She faced Donn, forcing herself to hold his gaze. "He believes he deserves the way the people treat him. The way you treat him. He believes he is worthless. Broken. Repulsive."

Elodie swallowed a sob, brushing her thumb over her engagement ring. "And he is so selfless that if the people of this Court demand his death, he will give them what they want. He would believe he deserves it. He will do whatever it takes to keep his family safe and make his people happy. That is the kind of male my Wynter is."


Wynter leaned against the rail of his balcony, watching the storm set in. The temperature was plummeting rapidly, but he remained unaffected by it. Mikael, however, sat in front of the fireplace, relishing the heat. "No offense, Wyn," he called, "but I'm glad you'll be the High Lord of Winter and not me."

Wynter's lips twitched up. "The cold wouldn't bother you as much if you'd been born here." His shadow of a smile faded. "Ellie is always cold. Her mother was from the Autumn Court, and Ellie inherited her warmer body temperature."

Was she warm enough now? He was certain Cyrus and Colette were taking good care of her but... What if she was too cold and became sick? What if she was stuck outside somewhere? Was she at the house? Had she taken the children out? Would they get home before the storm arrived?

Already, snow drifted from the dark clouds. Wynter swallowed hard, trying to push aside his instincts. They dug their claws into his mind, refusing to be silenced. They urged him to find Ellie. Make sure she was safe. Make sure she was taken care of. Beg for her forgiveness. Ask her for another chance. Ask her to help him. Ask her to come home.

Unworthy. Broken. Disgusting. Tarnished. Revolting. Defiled. Not wanted. Not needed. Worthless. Untrustworthy.

Wynter lowered his head, guilt sweeping through him. How could he ever ask for her forgiveness or another chance after what he'd done? He'd broken his promises. He'd almost killed her. He sent her away and threatened to break their Mating Bond. She had given up everything for him, and he'd still pushed her away. He did not deserve her. He never had, and he never would.

Melantha was right, he thought. She always was.


He glanced over his shoulder as Mikael appeared in the balcony doorway. "What is it?"

Mikael was holding a folded letter. "This just appeared beside me. It's addressed to you."

Wynter furrowed his brows and took the letter. At once, his mouth ran dry. The letter was addressed to the Witch's Whore. His heartbeat quickened as he opened it. He skimmed over the contents, his horror increasing with every word.

"What is it?" Mikael urged.

Wynter handed him the letter. "They have Ellie. Ebner and Julian." Mikael snatched up the letter and began to read. "They have only one demand. My life for hers."

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