18. Heirs of Dawn

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If the children noticed Wynter's scent on Elodie when they left the library, they said nothing. She hoped her eyes weren't red. That would be a dead giveaway that she'd been crying. Mina and Micah would invent some story to tell Ebner and she'd be punished for seeking sympathy from strangers.

Elodie glanced over her shoulder, heart clenched with longing. Wynter was shadowing them. She knew he was. Ice palaces and miniature snowmen filled empty lots where children were playing, and delighted shouts followed them through the streets.

Mitsi slipped her hand into Elodie's, catching her attention. "Wynter is making things again," she whispered. Her blue eyes were bright with excitement. "Do you think it's because of what I said? Did I help him, Ellie?"

"You did," Elodie replied. "I think you're a very wise little girl and Wynter knows that. Anyone would be smart to listen to you."

"I wish Bongo would," Mitsi huffed. "He misses Wynter. Maybe I should give him back for a little bit." She sighed, dragging her feet through the snow. "I'm tired. Mama wouldn't let me take a nap today."

"Here." Elodie paused and bent down. Mitsi wrapped her arms around Elodie's neck as she lifted her. Mitsi rested her head on Elodie's shoulder. "You're getting too big for this," Elodie giggled. "I can hardly pick you up."

"Daddy used to let me sit on his shoulders," Mitsi said. "But he doesn't anymore. I miss doing that. It's fun to be up high." She stuck her bottom lip out. "Do you think Wynter would carry me like that if I asked him?"

"I'm sure he would."

"Would I be too heavy for him?"

"No." Elodie's cheeks flushed, recalling how effortlessly he'd lifted her onto Bruma's back. The feeling of his arms encircling her returned and her breath caught. He'd hugged her. Wynter had actually hugged her.

Not only that, but he'd promised to help her, if she needed it. Elodie knit her brows, replaying their conversation over and over again. Everything he told her sounded similar to something she told him, and her answers sounded like his. Wynter needed help, but he didn't want to ask for it. He didn't want to accept it, even when it was offered. That was exactly what she had just done.

Does Wynter feel as useless as I do when he won't accept my help? Elodie wondered. Maybe helping me would help him too. But what could he do for me? She pushed the thoughts aside as they neared the house. I'll give it more thought later.

Elodie set Mitsi down when they reached the front steps. Mina and Micah had already disappeared inside. Mitsi entered too, and Elodie looked back once more. She caught a glimpse of Wynter across the street. He was smiling, hands hidden in his pockets as he watched her. Elodie returned his smile, wondering how much of Mitsi's ramblings he'd heard, and stepped inside.

A rough hand slapped her cheek before she'd even closed the door. Ebner grabbed her arm, dragging her closer. Elodie stared at him in horror, one hand covering her throbbing cheek.

"You should've been back an hour ago," Ebner snarled. "And did you think I wouldn't notice you eavesdropping on my conversation earlier?"

"I wasn't. I swear! I..." He slapped her again. Tears sprang into her eyes. Elodie blinked them back.

"Well, now you know that I do have a few potential husbands for you," he snapped. "And if you don't want to find yourself married to one of them by the end of the week, I suggest you learn to mind your own business!" Ebner slapped her a third time. Stars momentarily blinded her. "Get upstairs. I don't want to see you again until tomorrow morning."

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