43. The Truth

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Elodie sat near the fireplace, shivering both from cold and nervousness. She'd been locked in the cabin since dawn and no one had come to check on her. Not even Donn, who was already gone by the time she woke. She had spent hours scouring the cabin for possible weapons or escape routes, but she found nothing.

Now, all she could do was wait. Wynter would be coming. She knew he would. Even if she reached out to him across the Bond and begged him to stay away, he would come. She only hoped he would be careful. She didn't know what her uncle was planning. While it seemed that Donn held more power over their followers, it was obvious that Ebner had some influence as well. Maybe enough to turn them against Donn, if the need arose.

Elodie stiffened as the lock on the door rattled. It burst open a moment later. Cold air swept into the room and she shuddered. Julian's lips curled into a smirk. "Let's go."

"Go where?"

Julian didn't reply. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her out of the cabin. Frigid wind buffeted her from all sides, hardly diminished by the trees surrounding the clearing. The sky was still darkened by clouds and a few flakes of snow drifted in the air. Julian hauled Elodie to the middle of the camp, where a tall iron post had been erected.

Elodie stared at the post with wide eyes. Julian clamped a pair of metal cuffs around her wrists, then lifted her arms over her head. He secured her chains at the top of the post and left without another word. Elodie's jaw trembled as she fought back frightened tears. She hovered on the tips of her toes, her shoulders already aching from the weight of her body. She didn't dare move. If she tried any other position, she might risk dislocating her arms.

Snow crunched behind her and she caught a whiff of a familiar scent. "I thought Donn said I wasn't to be harmed in any way," Elodie murmured.

"Donn isn't here right now," Ebner replied. "Besides, this will draw Wynter out faster, and slow him down if he tries to pull any tricks."

"Donn told me what he hopes to achieve from this. What do you want?"

Ebner shifted in front of her. "I want Wynter dead."

"Why? What has he ever done to you?"

"He's a coward," Ebner spat. "While our people were struggling to defend our home and protect our loved ones, he was whoring himself to the Witch responsible for everything. I had friends who she killed, and what happened to them when Melantha was finally dead? They were still dead. They crumbled into ash. They did not deserve that. Wynter was there. People say he was the only one unchained. Free to roam. He could have killed her, but he didn't."

"Melantha was mocking him by giving him false freedom!" Elodie spat. "Everything he did was to protect others. Do you honestly think Wynter cared for her?"

"Of course not. I think he was a coward who did whatever it took to keep himself alive."

"He wishes he had died!" Elodie jerked against her chains, ignoring the growing ache in her shoulders. "Have you ever questioned where the four scars across his throat came from? Have you ever wondered how many other scars he might be hiding? I know. I've seen every physical scar she left on his body. They are brutal! They could have taken his life. They would've, but Melantha kept toying with him!"

Ebner glared at her, disbelief shining in his eyes. Elodie didn't care. Her mate was not a coward. Her mate did not deserve to be blamed for what had happened! "She made him think he was going to die. She taunted him with the idea of death being an escape from her! And every time she cut him open, she healed him before he died. He wishes he had died. He's nearly taken his own life, you know! He's not a coward. He never has been. You, on the other hand, were born a coward, and you will die one too."

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