20. Gestures of Affection

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The corners of Elodie's mouth twitched up, watching Cyrus and Colette bicker affectionately. "You used too much pepper," Colette admonished, stirring the stew with a wooden ladle.

"I did not. I put in the exact amount the recipe called for." Cyrus flashed her a smirk that somehow made his features seem younger. "And you're the one who burned a batch of cookies."

"I told you I would. It's almost like you have selective hearing," Colette snickered, bumping her hip against his. "Go sit down. You're no help at all."

"No help at all? I'm the one who made this meal." Cyrus laughed as he joined Elodie at the table. "Females," he chuckled, and Elodie couldn't resist the urge to roll her eyes.

Colette carried the pot of stew over and set it on the table. She held out a hand and Elodie passed her a bowl. Colette dished a generous amount of stew into it and took Cyrus' bowl next. She sat down once all of their bowls were filled.

Elodie took a bite of stew and tears smarted in her eyes once more. Cyrus had made it perfectly. It tasted just like the stew her mother had made. "It's delicious," she said, hoping her voice didn't sound as hoarse as it felt.

Cyrus' quartz eyes twinkled as he dug into his own. "I still think you used too much pepper," Colette teased.

"One of these days, I'm going to let you do the cooking and we'll see who uses too much pepper."

Colette ignored the threat and faced Elodie. "How have you been, Dear?"

"Fine," Elodie answered vaguely. "Just attending to my duties as usual. Is Wynter enjoying the Dawn Court?"

"I think so. In his letter, he mentioned seeing Mikael and Estelle's son. He said Aramis is a relatively quiet baby, and he might grow up as spoiled as Bruma if Thesan dotes on him any more than he already does."

Elodie didn't miss the note of longing in Colette's voice. "Do you wish you would've had children?" She asked hesitantly.

Colette smiled, her gaze flickering to Cyrus. "I do, but circumstances prevented it. I suppose that's why we're blessed with looking out for you and Wynter, and even that charming cousin of yours."

Cyrus squeezed his wife's hand, reflecting her wistful smile. Elodie swallowed another mouthful of stew, almost wishing she hadn't asked the question. "Did you know that when Wynter was little, he spent so much time with Lettie and Viviane that he was never sure which was his mother?" Cyrus asked.

Elodie shook her head. "Really? But Colette and Viviane look so different from one another."

"We do," Colette agreed, "and I'm centuries older than Viviane, but Wynter was little. Maybe four? I was always with Viviane, so Wynter was used to spending time with both of us. We put him to bed together. Made him sit still for meals and portraits. Played with him... It didn't surprise me at all that Wyn called both of us Mother. I usually corrected him until he sorted everything out for himself."

"What was he like as a child?" Elodie asked, propping her chin up in her palm as she ate.

"Adventurous," Colette replied.

Cyrus shook his head with a soft chuckle. "Troublesome."

"Kallias began teaching him the workings of the Court at a young age. Wynter didn't have much time for having fun or making friends," Colette continued. "Like he told you, he had to make things fun for himself. That's why I didn't scold him as firmly as I should've when I caught him sliding down banisters, climbing pillars, hiding in suits of armor, balancing on ledges..."

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