Thank You

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This concludes A Court of Snow and Storms. Thank you all so much for your support while I worked on this story. I hope you've enjoyed reading it. I had a lot of fun writing it. Wynter and Ellie definitely hold a special place in my heart. I was downright cruel to Wyn and I am very aware of this fact. 😂 Truthfully, I was cruel to both of them in different ways, but I think the pain was worth it. (It always is.)

Originally, I was planning to pick up Freedom for Ryloth again after finishing this fanfiction. However, my inspiration for that story is still nonexistent and the thought of trying to make myself write it just makes me feel very depressed. I'll be announcing my plans for that story soon, if any of you have read it and are waiting for updates.

I believe I might be writing a Fenrys Moonbeam fanfiction next. Fenrys is one of my favorite characters in the Throne of Glass books and I've honestly been wanting to start writing some fanfictions set in that universe for a while now, because it feels like I've almost exhausted my space in the ACOTAR universe for the time being. A short preview of my upcoming project will be added to the end of this story once I've decided what I'll be doing.

Once again, thank you! I hope you enjoyed this story and will stick around for more of my work in the future!

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