40. A Heart's Separation

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Elodie blinked her eyes open with a groan. A headache pounded through her temples. She drew in a deep breath, catching a few familiar scents. Colette, Cyrus, and Mitsi...but there wasn't even a hint of Wynter's. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light of the room, she began to realize that her surroundings were unfamiliar.

She lifted a hand to her forehead and braced herself on one elbow, cautiously sitting up. What happened after Cyrus took her out of the townhouse? How long had it been? Where was Wynter? Had he... Elodie's hand flew to her chest as she reached for the Mating Bond. It was still there, but stifled. She couldn't sense Wynter like she'd been able to before.

Maybe he's blocking me somehow? She thought. I really need to find out how this Bond works.

Perhaps she could ask Kallias and Viviane. They were mates, and she needed to talk to them anyway. They needed to know what had happened. How badly Wynter had relapsed. They needed to know that he couldn't be alone. Someone had to stay with him. She was certain he'd reset the wards to keep her away from the house.

Tears sprang into her eyes. Elodie didn't bother to wipe them away. She let them fall as angry and hurt thoughts echoed through her mind. She wondered if Wynter could hear them. She hoped so. You said you would never push me away again! You would never leave me! You said I wouldn't be barred from the house. That it was my home too. Mine and yours. Ours. I want to come home, Wynter. I want to come home.

Elodie drew her knees up to her chest, resting her forehead against them. I understand if you need time and space. I can give you that. I just want you to be safe. I want you to be all right. I want to help you. Please let me help you. Please don't shut me out again.

She sniffed, wiping away some of her tears. It was an accident, Wynter. I know that. You weren't thinking clearly. You panicked. I understand. I'm not mad, and I'm all right. I forgive you. I'm just worried about you. I love you.

Elodie stared at the ring on her left hand. She brushed her thumb over the shimmering band, swallowing more sobs. I want to come home. I want to marry you. I want us to be mated. Please, Wynter. Just...let me know you're all right. Let me come home soon. I love you.

The door creaked open and more light spilled into the bedroom. Colette smiled softly as she entered. She set a tray down on a nightstand and sat beside Elodie. "I thought I heard something. How do you feel?"

"My head hurts," Elodie murmured. "And my throat is still hoarse."

"The healer said you might feel that way for a little while. Here. This should help." Colette passed her a cup of chamomile tea. Elodie took a hesitant sip.

"How bad was it?" She whispered.

Colette sighed, folding her hands together. "If Wynter hadn't let you go when he did, you would've died. You're very lucky you didn't anyway."

"His skin was so cold. It burned."

"His magic," Colette explained. "The healer was able to take care of those wounds too. The marks are all gone. You'll be sore for a while, and then you'll feel as good as new."

"How long has it been?"

"A day and a half."

Her head shot up. "Is Wynter..."

Colette reached over and squeezed her hand. "He's not alone. I told Viviane what happened and she asked Mikael Anik to come stay with him. Alastair let Cyrus know that Mikael arrived an hour after we left. He's been with Wyn ever since."

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