29. Changing Circumstances

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It was hard to leave that morning. It was hard every morning, but it was particularly hard this time. Elodie stayed at the townhouse longer than she should've, until she knew Colette had arrived. After she procured a promise that Colette wouldn't leave Wynter alone, she started off to her uncle's house.

Elodie pulled the folds of her thin cloak closer to her body. The temptation to wear the cloak Wynter had given her was all too real, but it carried his scent. She couldn't risk it. She'd brought it to the townhouse and it was now hanging in Wynter's closet, next to a number of outfits the house had created for her.

She wore her own clothes when she went back to her uncle's house. Somehow, they never carried Wynter's scent. She supposed she had his magical home to thank for that, and she did. She thanked it every time she was in the presence of her cousins, aunt, and uncle, and they didn't notice anything unusual about her.

Elodie sighed, quickening her footsteps. She'd have to come up with some excuse as to why she was late waking the children. She wasn't afraid of any punishment Ebner might choose to give her. Wynter was worth it.

When she'd woken in the night to the sound of his screams, abnormally strong instincts had awakened in the pit of her stomach. They were the same instincts that had emerged when her uncle insulted Wynter. When she saw him nearly frozen to death. Fear, concern, and an insatiable urge to protect him. To find what was causing his screams and destroy it.

It had taken every ounce of self discipline she possessed not to touch him and offer comfort after he'd woken and finally returned to the bed. His admittance of some of the things Melantha had done to him had shocked her. Elodie knew that wasn't even a fraction of what the Witch had done. Had made him do. She meant what she'd said. If Melantha still drew breath, Elodie would die trying to cut her head off.

It had been a relief when Wynter finally accepted her comfort. He'd fallen asleep on her chest. Elodie had been careful not to startle or upset him. She'd rubbed his arms, as she'd seen him do so many times when he was anxious or panicking. She didn't know why that soothed him, but it did. When he slept, she'd gently braided his hair, whispering to him all the while.

Elodie hoped he would sleep for a while longer. She was bringing Mitsi over that afternoon, provided her aunt and uncle stuck to the plans she'd overhead them making. She wanted Wynter to be well rested and feeling better. If she had to take Mitsi home, she would do so, but Elodie hoped that the child's visit would be good for all of them.

She reached the house and let herself inside. Voices came from the sitting room, even though the door was closed completely. Elodie hung her cloak up and hurried to the stairs. "If I hear one more word out of her mouth, I'm going to bash her head in on the side of a table," Ebner growled.

Elodie froze on the stairs, praying he wasn't talking about her. "What has she done this time?" The voice belonged to Julian Frazier.

"She's been upset ever since I slapped Mitsi. Keeps mouthing off and defending the children's behavior. She even defends my worthless niece now. Oh, and I found out that our maid, Anya, was slipping reports about Elodie to some guard's wife. Amoriel applauded her behavior."

"Where is the maid now?"

"On the streets, as she should be. Amoriel is forbidden to seek her out. I don't understand why she's acting this way."

"Give me a few minutes with her. I'll straighten her out."

"If you want my niece, you'll keep your hands off my wife. I'm perfectly capable of handling her on my own." Footsteps approached the door.

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