44. At Last You See

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    "Do you know what it's like to be forced to serve someone against your will?" Wynter continued, holding Donn's gaze. "Do you know what it's like to have to pretend to want to fuck someone, because if you show the slightest bit of revulsion, they'll slit your back open with their nails? Do you know how it feels to resist with every inch of your being, and still be betrayed by your own body?"

    "She kept me in her room for hours. Days. Weeks. She kept me on a chain. A collar. She paraded me around naked in front of people she intended to turn into corpses. She made me hold goblets to their necks after their throats were cut. She made me hold the same goblets to her lips as she drank. She cut my arms open and drank my blood, sometimes straight from my flesh."

    "Do you see these?" He pulled the collar of his tunic down, revealing the four jagged scars across his throat. "She made these with her nails when I tried to kill her. I almost succeeded, and then she realized that I knew Ellie was my mate. I froze and she slit my throat with her fucking nails."

    Wynter barked a hoarse laugh, tears stinging his eyes. "I prayed that I would die! I almost laughed with joy while blood was pouring from my neck. And then she healed me. She told me she was going to kill Ellie that same way, and that there was nothing I could do. But we tried to get a warning out and we succeeded. That is why Ellie is alive today."

    "That warning cost all of us. She subjected all of the females to different forms of torture. Some mental, and others physical. Venelia was already free at the time, for which I'm thankful, otherwise she probably would have died. Do you know why she was free?" No one said a word. "Because I exchanged my life for hers, just as I came to do for my mate. I swore I would be Melantha's fucking pet for the rest of my life if she would let Venelia go, and she did."

    A few tears dripped down his cheeks. "I would serve Melantha again if it meant Ellie was safe. If it meant everyone was safe. If it could right the wrongs that have been done. I am sorry that you lost loved ones, but there is nothing I can do to bring them back, and there was nothing I could do to save them. Be angry with me all you want, but do not punish my family on my behalf."

    "You swear that this is the truth? You served Melantha on behalf of others, and not to protect yourself?" Donn asked.

    Wynter's lips curled into a frustrated snarl. "Would I carry one hundred scars made by fucking fingernails alone if I was protecting myself? Would I carry four hundred and fifteen scars in total?"

    "You...counted them?" Another male asked.

    Wynter couldn't pick out which male had spoken, so he kept his gaze on Donn. "I can tell you exactly what I was doing when I received every single one of them. I never sought to protect myself. I only did what I could to protect others. If that makes me a coward, then I am a coward. Do with me what you will, but I won't let you hurt my mate, my parents, or this Court because of me."

    "I believe you," Donn answered slowly. "I believe you meant to protect others and not yourself. Elodie told me that you are selfless, and would do whatever it takes to keep those you love safe, even if the cost is your own life. I see that she was right." He turned to Ebner and Julian. "Let him pass."

    "You might have made your decision, Donn, but the rest of us haven't made ours," Ebner growled. "And I don't intend to have a Necromancer's Whore as my High Lord!" Julian and several males in the crowd hollered their agreement and unsheathed their swords.

    Wynter drew Alethea from its sheath on his hip. From the corner of his eye, he saw two figures racing towards Elodie. No one else had seen them. Ebner and Julian advanced, and Wynter was ready. He brought up his Illyrian blade, blocking both of their blows. Chaos erupted through the clearing. Donn and his supporters were quickly turning on Ebner and Julian's. Magic and swords flew through the air.

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