7. Laughter Like Bells

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Wynter had reread the same paragraph almost fifteen times now. He couldn't seem to focus on the words. They blurred together beneath his eyes as his thoughts wandered.

    Ellie had promised. Maybe she was just running late. Maybe she was here. No, Colette said she'd tell him if Ellie arrived. But Colette had already gone home. Wynter heard her leave. He crossed his ankle over his knee and drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair.

    "Why is this bothering me so much?" He asked himself. "I want her to move on. I want her to stop coming by."

    He raked his fingers through his hair with a sigh. No matter how many times he repeated the words, he couldn't make himself believe them. He didn't want Ellie to stop coming. If she did, and he no longer had her letters or a few brief glimpses of her to brighten his day, what would he do?

    "That's selfish." His voice dropped to a whisper. "I'm being selfish. She doesn't deserve me, and I certainly don't deserve her. It's for the best." He closed his book and set it aside. "It's for the best." Wynter rose, ready to shut himself in his room. "It's for the..."

    A muffled sound caught his attention. He moved towards a window, listening intently. The sound came again. It was a scream. It was coming from the front of the house. Wynter's eyes widened and he ran from the library.

    He hopped onto the railing of the stairs and slid down, landing smoothly on the first floor. Wynter narrowed his eyes as he approached the front door. The scream was louder, more frantic. He heard a dull thud.

    Wynter flung the door open and scented blood. Icy rage seeped into every inch of his being. Ellie lay on the stairs, arms lifted to shield herself from Lev's raised fist. She was sobbing. It was her blood he smelled. Instincts pounded through his head. With a snarl, Wynter grabbed Lev by the collar of his tunic and dragged him away from Ellie.

    He shoved Lev down the stairs. The guard didn't fall, to his credit, but swayed on his feet. Snow and wind blew against them, not fazing Wynter. "So now you show yourself," Lev sneered. "Don't worry. I wasn't going to hurt her. I'm not that kind of male."

    "No?" Wynter prowled closer, eyes flashing with cold light. He grabbed Lev again. The scent of alcohol wafted towards him. Wynter narrowed his eyes. "You are relieved of duty, Lev Baird. If I ever see you here again, I'll have you arrested." His voice dropped to a growl. "And if you ever touch her again, I will tear your fucking throat out."

    Wynter released him and returned to the stairs. Ellie had managed to push herself into an upright position. Blood dripped from her temple. He knelt, cupping her face in his hands almost before he realized it. He tilted her head from side to side, looking for other injuries. He brushed his thumb over the wound on her temple. Ellie flinched, and his anger burned colder. Wynter rose, already looking for Lev.

    He took a step away from the stairs and a slender hand slid into his. "No," Ellie rasped. Wynter lifted his eyebrows, his gaze falling to their hands. Ellie drew hers away at once. "It...it was my fault. I slapped him first. It was my fault. Don't do anything to him. He's drunk. He's not thinking clearly."

    "That's not an excuse." Wynter's gaze swept over her. She was shaking. He could hear the faint chatter of her teeth. His anger gave way to concern. "Come inside," he murmured.

    "Are you sure?"

    He nodded. Ellie gripped the railing with one hand, easing herself up. Wynter let his hand hover close to her back in case she needed help. She squeezed her eyes shut with a small groan.

    "I hit my back on the stairs when I fell," she grunted, noticing his gaze. "It's just a bruise."

    Wynter held the door open for her, asking no questions as she limped inside. He led her into the closest sitting room. There was a roaring fire on the hearth a moment later. "Your cloak is wet," Wynter noticed. "Here."

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