41. The Peoples' Demand

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Elodie sat on the front steps of Cyrus and Colette's house, shivering despite the thick folds of her cloak. A storm was approaching Nivis. Already, the sky was dark, despite the early evening hours. Elodie stared at the clouds, breathing a heavy sigh.

How she longed to be at home, sipping peppermint tea while curled up on a sofa beside Wynter. He would constantly be asking if she was warm enough, or if she wanted another blanket. She would kiss him out of appreciation but assure him that she was fine.

Yearning gripped her heart. Elodie reached for the Bond, then stopped herself. She was trying to give Wynter time and space, but it was becoming more difficult every day. The longer they were apart, the louder her instincts grew. Elodie clamped them down, shivering once more.

Snowflakes drifted from the sky, clinging to her eyelashes as she tilted her head back. Elodie drew in a deep breath of crisp air. Wind blew snow off the ground in front of her. Elodie leaped to her feet as a shadowy figure emerged from thin air. Before she had a chance to react, there was an arm covering her mouth and nose, and another around her waist. Wind roared in her ears and the Hawthorne's house faded from view.


A scream tore from Elodie's lips when she was released. Julian Frazier threw her into the snow. "If you know what's good for you, you'll remain silent," he snarled.

Elodie scrambled away, quickly taking in her surroundings. She was in a clearing surrounded by conifer trees. Smoke curled from the chimneys of log cabins. Dozens of males watched her curiously.

Ebner shouldered his way into the front of the group, flashing Elodie a cold smirk. "I said you would still be of some use to me. I suppose this proves me right."

"If your plan works," another male remarked, joining Ebner. Julian remained close to Elodie. She didn't bother trying to stand. She was certain she'd wind up on the ground again if she did.

"It will." Ebner stormed towards her. Elodie gasped and tried to crawl away. He grabbed her ankle, hauling her towards him.

"Let me go!" Elodie screamed as he forced her to her feet. Ebner backhanded her and her scream shifted to a frightened sob.

Ebner dragged her back to the other male and threw her at his feet. "She's not just his future wife," he growled. "She's his mate."

Elodie fought to keep herself from trembling as the older male knelt. He lifted her chin, inspecting her with calm gray eyes. "So she is," he murmured. "It might be unwise to use his mate against him. His anger will be unfathomable. Will Kallias and Viviane choose to involve themselves? They might see her as family. Someone under their protection."

"Does it matter?" Someone else scoffed.

"It's him we want, not a war with his parents."

"Wynter is a coward and a fool. He'll agree to any terms we lay out if we promise she'll survive," Ebner replied.

"You're wrong," Elodie spat, unable to hold herself back any longer. "Wynter is no coward. It doesn't matter if he comes here by himself or with an army. The outcome will be the same."

"What outcome might that be?" Julian sneered.

"Hurt me, and your deaths will be so thorough that no one will remember you ever even existed."

Ebner crossed his arms, glaring at her. "Tie her up outside. Let her weather the storm."

He bent, tearing her cloak away. Several males moved to obey, but the older male held up his hand. They halted at once. It was clear the white haired male held more authority than her uncle. 

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